To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Month: May 2007

2007 State Winner – A New Star

We thank our loving Lord and Savior Jesus for the beautiful baby he has blessed us with.  

Our 16 month son, Reuben Abishai Paul (Baby RAP) competed in the 2007 Most Beautiful Baby New Star Discovery competition on May 26th and 27th in Dallas and was crowned the overall winner of the 5 States (Texas/Arkansas/Louisiana/Oklahoma and Mississippi) for his age division (15-23).  

Reuben - 2007 State Winner

He won a beautiful New Star Discovery banner, a scepter, a crown, 3’ trophy, a toy race car and year of travelling, hosting regional events and an entry into the US Nationals competition in August 3rd – 5thin Illinois. We will be going for that and need your prayers.

He was also the state winner in the following categories
1.     Sweetest Smile
2.     Western Wear
3.     Most beautiful snap shot

 He was also the 1strunner up in the Playwear category and was wearing the Spiderman dress that his uncle and aunt Remo and Susan got him in India.
He was also the 4thrunner up in the Sports category in which he was wearing a Nike dress holding a Wilson Tennis racquet. Nike and Wilson company representatives, we are expecting a call from you. 🙂

We,  his parents (Sangeetha and I) had a wonderful memorial day weekend filled with many wonderful memories and we praise God for it.
There were a total of 160 children and in his age division close to 15-20 kids.Again, none of this would have been possible if it was not for our God’s blessings on him and so “All” glory and praise be to our Lord Jesus.
Be proud of being related/connected to the 2007 State Winning Most Beautiful Baby J We sure are.

History Repeats Itself

Someone said “the best predictor of the future is the past” i.e., Things that happened in the past, will happen again in the future.

This came true, this weekend past, when Reuben was crowned the winner of the New Star Discovery 2007 State Finals (for 5 states – TX/AR/LA/MI/OK)  in his age division. Only a few months ago (8 months to be exact), Reuben was crowned the overall winner in the local Austin Regional event (see picture)  and so yeah – History does repeats itself and if there is any verity to the statement “the best predictor of the future is the past”, then we are looking forward to the 2007 Nationals.

Reuben - Austin Regional Event Winner 

Only time will time, if History will repeat itself one more time. Stay tuned …

Time to Play with the new Spiderman

Reuben was crowned the 1st runner of the Palywear competition in the 2007 State Finals on May 26th and 27th at Dallas.

Spiderman Reuben

His attire comprised of spiderman costume that his uncle and aunt, Remo and Susan Paul, got him from India and a spiderman mobile car with a toy figure of Spiderman in it as he webbed the minds of the wonderful judges, capturing their attention and hearts. He was also willing to share his toy with the judges as you can see in the picture.

Sweetest Smile – A smile like no other :-)

Reuben - Sweetest Smile - State Winner Reuben was the 2007 State winner in the “Sweetest Smile” category and as the old adage goes – “A picture is worth a 1000 words” – we’ll let you be the judge of that.

A new sheriff in town … An Indian Cowboy

You all would have heard of “Cowboys and Indians” but for the first time, you are to hear of an “Indian Cowboy”.

Reuben (whose parents are from India) was crowned the winner of the Western Wear (Cowboy) competition in the 2007 State Finals on May 26th and 27th at Dallas making him truly an “Indian Cowboy”.

His attire comprised of ropers (shoes) and a cowboy hat (from Cavenders), a holster with two armed pistols (that you see him proudly displaying), a sheriff badge (forgot to wear) and a sheriff’s attitude as he gunned his way down into the hearts of the judges.

Western Wear

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