Woke up in the night with what seemed to be a nightmare. It seemed like the time (of the great tribulation) when those who stood for the name of Jesus Christ were being separated from their families and I was being snatched away from my son (Reuben) and my wife (Sangeetha). What broke me was that I could not bear to see the separation of my son from me. I woke up and found the pillow drenched in tears and was unable to stop sobbing as I walked into my office where my wife was. She asked what was wrong and as I explained to her, what I had dreamt envisioned, she empathized with me and asked that I go back to sleep. I went back to the bedroom and saw the time and it was 11:22 p.m. and I saw my son and held him close and as I reminisced, I realized the depth of the love of our God for each one of us.

John 3:16 says “For God (the greatest) so loved (the greatest story) the world (the greatest number) that he gave (the greatest act) His Only Begotten Son (the greatest gift), that whosoever (the greatest invitation) believes (the greatest simplicity) in Him (the greatest person), shall not perish (the greatest escape) but (the greatest difference) have (the greatest certainty) eternal life (the greatest destiny).

God the Father had to be separated from His Only Begotten Son (Jesus Christ, who despising the shame of the Cross, endured it, considering the Joy that was set before Him; now seated at the right hand of God) so that you and I will not have to be separated from God – Oh what a great Love.

With that thought, a peace came over my heart, wherein I realized,
Lord if I am called to lay my life down for you, may I be given the strength by you, to willingly accept it.
I pledge my allegiance to you, O Lamb of God. This is my prayer to you, O Lord.

I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
With alll my strength, with all I am
I will seek to honor His Commands
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
To the Lamb of God (Jesus), who bore my pain
Who took my place, and wore my shame
I will seek to honor His Commands
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb