Ever wondered what people would say of you in your funeral service. Should it be that I have to pass away today, what would be put on my tombstone (my epitaph)?

I once asked my friend, Vidyuth Sreenivasan, who used to be my relay team partner in athletics, what he would say as my obituary and and he responded eloquently, “The best anchor a man could have, if only he was one step faster.” I used to run in the anchor (last) position in the relay, finishing the race, but our team came second place in an inter-school race by a distance that was just about a step behind or so, than the one who finished first.

I have thought about this question, time and again, and recently, when pondering this issue, I felt that my epitaph (departure sign) without the mention of my time on earth or my name (since it is recorded already in the Lamb’s book of Life) should read just the following-

“Here was an unworthy sinner, who, believed in Jesus Christ sent by God the Father, saved by GRACE because he believed, called to be a servant of God, strived to live with God the Holy Spirit as his guide, sowed in tears to be reaped in Joy by his God”

More important is that my arrival into God’s presence when leaving earth, is preceded by “Well done, my good and faithful servant; Come and inherit the kingdom that is prepared for you.

Point(s) to Ponder:
What would your epitaph read?