Today our firstborn son turned 3 years old and we thank God for having us the privilege or raising our little one for 3 years, but I still vividly remember the first picture I saw of our son in the sonogram, when the attending doctor told us, Look, a child.

His name was chosen as Reuben because in Hebrew it means Behold (Look), a son (child).

When Jesus was baptized and transfigured, both times, the voice of God from heaven was heard which promulgated, “This is MY Son“. In other words, God was telling the world – Behold, my Son.

God continues to tell us that. For all whom that have received Him (Jesus), He (God) gave them the right to be called the children of God. Psalm 2:7 – states that God will declare a decree and say unto us; Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee.

Point(s) to Ponder:
Can God tell or be ashamed to tell of us, Behold my Son! What a privilege. Think about it.