The charge that the Jews of Thessalonica brought against Paul, Silas and Timothy was “These that have turned the world upside down have come hither also” (Acts 17:6). While at face value, the charge seems to be absurd, deeper analysis reveals a lot more than is explicitly evident. God’s plan was for man to have dominion over all living things (the world), which included the serpent, and Shaithan (Satan – Adversary) who took the form of a serpent and deceived man into disobedience against God. By succumbing to Satan’s rebellious offer, man allowed the world, whom he had dominion over, to “Lord” over him, causing a Reversal in the order that God had instituted, which was ‘Man over world’. Turning the world upside down, is in essence then, putting the world where it belongs – back in order, reversing the reversal, restoring God’s order.

Are we being a witness for Jesus Christ, the one who being God, took the form of Man, suffered and died and rose again from the dead, to restore man’s relationship with God, and restore things back to God’s original order. If you were to face a trial today, will someone be able to charge you with “He/She is turning the world upside down?” Think about it.