The Cross can be said to be the one and only hope for the redemption of the world, because of the act of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was brutally crucified, bearing our pain, taking our place, wearing our shame on it. God the Father gave his Son (Jesus Christ), 2 pieces of wood and 3 nails and asked Him to build a bridge so that man, who fell from his friendship with God, can once again have access to and communion with God. The 2 pieces of wood when held perpendicular to one another made the shape of the cross and it was not just the 3 nails, but the love of God, that held Jesus to it.

No individual can doubt that the most imponderable thing about Christianity is the paradox of the Cross. Despite the Cross being a sign of God’s love to the world, it has been hated much and has become an object of scorn. Why should an object of immortal infamy and shame symbolize the most glorious and righteous even int the history of man? Philippians 3:18 alludes to enemies of the Cross.

Why is the Cross so repellent to the World? There are 3 reasons

  1. Because it convicts the world of sin
  2. Because it commands the world to surrender
  3. Because it challenges the world to sacrifice

Suffering, Sacrifice and Service – the motifs of the Cross never fail to appeal to the mind of man. These are the imponderable elements of Christianity which makes the paradox of the Cross so ridiculous while at the same time incredulous to man. Apostle Paul rightfully recorded in 1 Corinthians 1:18  “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”

Point(s) to ponder

  1. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; Is the Cross of Christ, convicting us?
  2. What is the Cross of Christ commanding us to surrender?
  3. What in our lives is it that encumbers us that the Cross of Christ is challenging us to lay aside (sacrifice)?