2 Samuel 15:19-22 talks about a man named Ittai. Ittai was a gentile; in fact, a Philistine from Gath (a Gittite). David questions Ittai, Quo Vadis, Ittai a.k.a. Where are you going. Ittai? David was fleeing for his life from Jerusalem to hide from his rebellion and murderous son, Absalom who was under the vile counsel of one of David’s smartest counselors, Ahitophel. David knew that he and his people that followed him, including his family was at risk of being murdered by Absalom, and David chose to take flight rather than fight his son. At this juncture, he questions, Ittai, whom he regards as a stranger and one exiled (verse 19), Quo Vadis. David was concerned for the safety of Ittai, who served him, because he instructs Ittai to go back to his place and his king and not put himself at risk.

Ittai response to David’s question is one that ranks with the response of Ruth (another gentile, a Moabite woman) or the Roman Centurion (another gentile, whom Jesus commended as having greater faith than anyone in all of Israel). This is akin to Ruth saying, “I will go where you will go and will lodge where you will lodge, your people will be my people and your God will be my God” (Ruth 1:16) or the Roman Centurion who said, “Lord, just speak your word and it will be so” (Matt 8:10).

Ittai’s response was simple, yet profound.

He said
As long as the Lord lives (which is forever),
As long as the king lives (which was questionable),
In life or in death,
Whereever the king (as his lord/master) is, there Ittai (the servant) will be also.

Paul writes in Philippians 1:21, in living or in dying, it is all about Christ (his LORD and King) when he said, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain”.
Ittai demonstrated Faith and Faithfulness. For to Ittai to live was in service to the king (eartly king, David), and to die would have been gain, AS LONG AS THE LORD LIVES.

Point(s) to ponder:
We are gentiles and are adopted into God’s family when we believe in Jesus as the one and only Savior and allow Jesus to be our LORD and MASTER, our King.
If the King is to ask us today, Quo Vadis, (insert your name here)

  1. What will our response be?
  2. Where does our allegiance lie in regards to our life or our death?