To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Month: January 2009 Page 2 of 4

Blessed Mother

The synopsis of the biography of Dr. R.A.C. Paul and Dr. Iris Paul from “Pioneering on the Pinda” reads
“The local tribal people called RAC Paul “Mister Tall” and Dr. Iris “The Fat Lady.” Iris’ father reluctantly arranged her marriage to Paul, the pioneer missionary plagued by ill health. Paul yearned to reach a murderous tribe with the love of Jesus. When Paul died, Iris determined to return. She now runs a full-scale development project. Paul and Iris, who did so much of their work on the pindas, or porches, of the village homes, represent the thousands of Indians working in isolated parts of India. Their commitment and creativity challenges us all.”

Today, my mother, better known to the world as Dr. Iris Paul, celebrated her birthday and while many know her as a medical missionary who with my father, Dr. RAC Paul sacrificially chose to serve their Savior, Jesus Christ and follow His Great commission (Matthew 28:19), relinquishing their worldly aspirations and potentials, I simply know her as my mother.

She was a disciplinarian while at the same time kind, when my siblings (Remo, David, Mary) and I were growing up. She was emotional and talked a lot (not my personal favorite characteristic about her). She loved her sibling brothers and sister a lot. She fed us even well into our middle school years. She was there when she could afford to but many times she wasnt because of her commitment to the call to serve Jesus and his people. She was extreme when it came to dating relationships and challenged anyone whom she thought would steal her children away.  She say ‘yes’ sometimes and ‘no’ a lot more. She expressed her love for us the best way she knew to. She was proud to share of the accomplishments of her children and always tried to put them in the limelight. She had her own personality, some of which I liked and the others that I didn’t. In short, she was A MOTHER and the fact remains that “She was and is and will always be MY MOTHER“.

And when the curtain calls, while her Savior (Jesus) will be able to say of her – “You did not love your children more than you did love me”, I will be able to say of her – “Thank you mother for not just being my mother, but a mother to many; many who had to experience Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior, their personal God and Father”

I can truly say (and I am sure my siblings will agree with me) that she epitomizes Proverbs 31:28. – Her children arise up, and call her Blessed”.
Blessed are you, mother!

Wish that you all have a mother so blessed as well and if you do, arise up and call her Blessed.

Reuben – Behold, a son

Today our firstborn son turned 3 years old and we thank God for having us the privilege or raising our little one for 3 years, but I still vividly remember the first picture I saw of our son in the sonogram, when the attending doctor told us, Look, a child.

His name was chosen as Reuben because in Hebrew it means Behold (Look), a son (child).

When Jesus was baptized and transfigured, both times, the voice of God from heaven was heard which promulgated, “This is MY Son“. In other words, God was telling the world – Behold, my Son.

God continues to tell us that. For all whom that have received Him (Jesus), He (God) gave them the right to be called the children of God. Psalm 2:7 – states that God will declare a decree and say unto us; Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee.

Point(s) to Ponder:
Can God tell or be ashamed to tell of us, Behold my Son! What a privilege. Think about it.

Personal God

Ever wondered how both in the Old testament times as well as in the New testament times, most of the times, that the Scripture (Holy Bible) records the interactions that God has had with man/men/woman/women directly or through the angel of the Lord, He has called them by their first names, personally.

Let’s look at a few examples –
Cain is questioned, where is Abel thy brother? (Genesis 4:9)
Abraham, Abraham on mountain in the land of Moriah (Genesis 22:11)
Moses, Moses from the burning bush (Exodus 3:4)

When Jesus called, the IRS guy up the tree, he called him by his first name and said, Zacchaeus,  make haste and come down , for I must abide at thy house. (Luke 19:5)
On resurrection morn, Mary was asked by Jesus who said, “Woman, why weepest thou?” and until he called her by her first name “Mary”, she did not recognize him. (John 20:12-15)

If God is calling us today, are we hearing His voice; are we recognizing him.
Be assured that He is calling us by our first name, because He is a personal God and He wants to have a personal relationship with each one of us.

Jesus’ Last Name !

We know Jesus most commonly referred to as Jesus Christ. So is Christ His Last Name? Ever wondered as to what the Last Name of Jesus is?

What is the Last Name of Jesus?
Since the times of Jesus was most probably a Patriarchical society, it would be safe to assume that Jesus would have been called Jesus Joseph. However, should there have been a women’s liberation equality rights movement, then his name may have been recorded as Jesus Joseph-Mary (less likely) and being born a Jew from the line of David, it is absolutely possible that Jesus’ name in his birth certificate (if one existed) was recorded as Jesus ben Joseph (Jesus the son of Joseph).

Actually, it does not matter what the last name of Jesus was. What matters most is whether you and I know Jesus as the Christ.

Christ means Messiah, the Savior. Matt 1:21 records that the earthly parents of Jesus (Joseph & Mary) were commission by God, told by God’s angel, that they were to call the child that was to be born – Jesus for He shall save his people from their sins. This would be the Messiah (the Christ). So in a sense, it was God who gave Jesus, Christ as his last name (title).

The Bible records in the book of Isaiah 9:6 – For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given. Child is born refers to the humanity of Jesus; a Son is given refers to the divinity of Jesus.

For God so loved the world that He GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, that whosoever believes in Him (in Jesus) shall not perish (in hell) but have everlasting life (in heaven). – John 3:16

Do you know Him as Christ, your Messiah, your Savior? To know Jesus as Christ is to Believe in Him as the son of God given unto the salvation of mankind from hell and acceptance into heaven to reign with God.

Character and Names of God in Psalm 23

The LORD (Jehovah)
Is my Shepherd (Jehovah-rohi)
I shall not want (Jehovah-jireh – my provider)
He makes me lie down in green pastures
He leads me besides
still waters (Jehovah-shalom – my peace)
He restores my soul (Jehovah-rophe – my healer)
He leads me in paths of
Righteousness (Jehovah-tsidkenu – the LORD is righteous)
For his name sake.
Even though, I walk through the valley of shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
For thou are with me (Jehovah-shammah – The LORD is there)
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies (Jehovah-nissi – my banner)
Thou anointest (Jehovah-M’Kaddesh – The Lord sanctifies)
my head with oil, my cup runs over.

Because, Jehovah (THE LORD) is
jireh (provider)
shalom (peace)
rophe (healer)
tsidkenu (righteousness)
shammah (there)
nissi (banner)
M’kaddesh (sanctifier)

Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow us ALL THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

We see the character of God when we know His Names, because no one name could contain the limitless infinite God and that is why His response to Moses, when asked “What shall I tell the children of Israel when they ask me what is the name of the God of their fathers that has sent me?” (Exodus 3:13),  simply was “I AM THAT I AM”.

Ref: Adapted from The Bible Exposition Commentary by Warren Wiersbe

Jehovah and that means …

God in Genesis 1 is referred to as Elohim (meaning the Almighty One) and interesting this is in the plural form which substantiates the Trinity of the Godhead – One God in three personalities – the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.

When Moses asked God “who shall I say to the Israelites, that sent me”, he was asking God a very difficult question because any name would limit the limitless omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent Almighty God (Elohim) and God responds by simply saying, I AM THAT I AM. (Exodus 3:14)

But then we see that in the majority of the Bible, God is referred to as LORD (all caps) which in the King James version is transliterated as Jehovah.

How did this term ‘Jehovah‘ come about?

The name Jehovah is derived from the Hebrew verb havah, “to be” or “being”. This word is almost exactly like the Hebrew verb, chavah,  “to live” or “life”. havah and chavah, being and life. Interestingly, this is the one name of God in the Holy Scripture, that is not a derivative from His works and unequivocally teaches us of the substance of God – which is being and living.1

So extrapolating God response to Moses, I AM THAT I AM really could be expressed as I will BE that I will BE or I am LIFE that I am LIFE.

Think about it, Our God (Jehovah) is being, is life unto all who seek him.
Want Life? you can call Him Jehovah, for HE IS.

1Ref: Names of God, by Nathan Stone.

How far are we willing to go? Heaven or hell!

Well this question should really read, How far are we willing to go to bring those who don’t know Jesus to know Him? In other words, what are we willing to accept to bring others to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and be given eternal life. Heaven or hell.

But wait a minute, how can we go to hell to bring someone to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. But that is not what the question really is. The question really is “what are we willing to pay?” so that others are saved from eternal judgment.

The prince of Egypt, Moses and the Apostle Paul were both willing to pay what it takes, even if it meant that their names had to be blotted out of the God’s list of names or be accursed a.k.a. go to hell.

Exodus 32:32 is the plea of Moses, seeking atonement of the sins of the people of Israel as he reasons with God, that his name be blotted out of the list of names (that will take him to Heaven) written by God, if God will not forgive the sins of his people, the Israelites. Moses was interceeding for his people.

Romans 9:3 records, Apostle Paul make a similar request. Paul wishes that he himself be accursed from Christ (and anyone not in Christ is indeed doomed to hell) for my brethren, my kinsmen  …

Point(s) to ponder:

  1. Are we willing to interceed for our family, friends and all who dont know Jesus (including our enemies and those who have hurt us)?
  2. What are we willing to pay?
  3. How far are we willing to go? Heaven or hell !

Jesus wept because He cared!

The verse “Jesus wept” as recorded in John 11:35 is the shortest verse in the Bible and while this is a favorite for many children for its brevity, in reality, speaks more volumes than other verses that are longer than this.

Many preachers have preached on this with various salient points such as 1. The humanity of Jesus. 2. The emotions of Jesus (he ate with the disciples, he slept and he also wept), 3. his value for friendship (Lazarus who had died for whom he wept was his friend).

I believe, that while all of these are individually or collectively true, Jesus wept because He cared. He cared for his friend and missed him, He cared for the relatives (sisters) of Lazarus.

So in other words, Jesus (my God) cares and is willing to cry for us. So if anyone is hurting, you can trust that there is a God who will weep for you.

Point(s) to Ponder –

My God cares, and so He weeps for us. How about yours?

What’s with all the offerings in Leviticus?

The book of Leviticus is often referred to as a Biblical speed bump to those who resolve to read the Bible in a year and zoom through Genesis and Exodus quickly, until they reach Leviticus. Leviticus delves into the “legalities of the law” given by God primarily to the priests (from the tribe of Levi), but is applicable unto every one who is a royal priest (that is all who believe in the name of Jesus). The spelling out of the detailed requirements of the law, the  protocols to be followed, the attire to be worn … superficially dont appear to be that interesting, but contextual analysis of Leviticus surfaces some incredible hidden truths and parallels that cannot go unheeded in this day an age.

One such aspect is in the area of ‘Offerings’ recorded in Leviticus. What’s with all the offerings in Leviticus?

There are five offerings mandated and explained in this book (Leviticus)   viz.

  1. Burnt Offering
  2. Meat Offering
  3. Peace Offering
  4. Sin Offering and
  5. Trespass Offering

As part of the Burnt offering, the blood of the offered sacrifice was sprinkled (poured out) before the sacrifice was to be burnt as a sweet savor unto God. In other words, this offering was a blood offering, with everything else being consumed by fire. The blood of Jesus was poured out as an offering for the salvation of mankind (you and me) and his sacrifice was a sweet smelling fragrance to God (Eph 5:2). The Bible records that there is life in the blood (Genesis 9:4). Extrapolating these facts, we then realize that our burnt offerings is in essence offering our very own lives (blood) to God (as a living sacrifice), and being consumed by the Holy Spirit of God (The Fire within).

Meat refers to things we eat and drink for sustenance. Making a meat offering would imply that we offer all that sustains us, so that we are totally dependent on God.

Peace offering (also known as Fellowship offering) refers to sacrificing that which encumbers us from having fellowship with God. Making a peace offering is then two fold – 1. making peace with God a.k.a, getting right with God, by confessing our sins and 2. offering to have fellowship with God in lieu of our fellowship with the world. In simple terms, letting God know, that He is MORE IMPORTANT than anything else in the World. Making a peace offering would imply that we reject the world, embrace the cross.

Sin offering refers to the confession of all that we think, say or do, know or the secret faults (Psalm 19:12) that displeases God. Jesus is our sin offering to God (1 Peter 2:24) and by our acts of repentance, confessing our sins, we are to offer our sins to God seeking his forgiveness. No matter how offensive or grave our sins are, God is willing to forgive us our sins. Adulterers (David), Murderers (Saul), were all forgiven. Even the ones who murdered Jesus himself, were forgiven when Jesus pleaded for them saying “Father forgive them for they know not what they do). There is no sin so big, that God will not forgive if you earnestly seek his forgiveness and confess with you mouth, for He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of ALL unrighteousness. Sin offering in a nutshell is to seek to Love the Lord, with all our heart, all our souls, all our mind and all our strength.

Trespass offering (also known as Guilt offering) refers to the confession of all that we think, say or do or the secret faults that displeases Man (whom we have trespassed againsts and feel guilty for). This is getting right with man. In a nutshell, this is to seek to Love your neighbor as yourself.

In summary,the five offerings mandated and explained in Leviticus as it applies to us today is

  1. Burnt Offering – Offer our lives
  2. Meat Offering  – Offer ALL that sustains us
  3. Peace Offering – Offer to be in fellowship with God
  4. Sin Offering  – Offer to confess our sins against God
  5. Trespass Offering – Offer our guilt from wrong doing against man

Also, Warren Wiersbe beautiful exposits that

  1. The Burnt offering and the Meat offering has to do with our COMMITMENT to God
  2. The Peace offering has to do with our COMMUNION with God and
  3. The Sin offering and the Trespass offering has to do with our CLEANSING from God

NOTE: Whoever is not CLEANSED, cannot have COMMUNION with God nor can they be COMMITTED to God.

Point(s) to Ponder:

What’s in your/my offering? Let us present ourselves as a living sacrifice.

Not so silent night!

The ever familiar Christmas carol, ‘Silent night’ is a little bit of a misnomer, since the night in which Jesus was born was not quite as silent.

Certain events transpired that night that show that the night was really not silent after all.

  1. The Angel that announced to the Shepherds in the field, about Jesus’ birth, along with a multitude of heavenly hosts (saints gone before us, angels) offered praises  (that was audible to these mere shepherd men) saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace and good will toward men.” (Luke 2:8-20)
  2. The footsteps of the Wise Men were heard in King Herod’s court that led to diligent inquiry and commotion about the newly born “King” Jesus, in Herod’s heart. (Matthew 2:1-12)
  3. Shepherds and Wise Men came and worshiped Jesus, who was born, the King of the Jews (Luke 2 and Matthew 2)
  4. The footsteps of Mary and Joseph (with baby Jesus) was heard in Egypt, where they had go to hide from Herod’s henchmen that were ordered to kill all children under 2 years old in Bethlehem and the coasts. (Matthew 2:13-15)

After all, it really was not so silent!

How could it be, the God of the universe came to tabernacle with man as recorded in Isaiah 7:14. His name is Immanuel (God with us).

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