To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Month: January 2009 Page 3 of 4

My epitaph

Ever wondered what people would say of you in your funeral service. Should it be that I have to pass away today, what would be put on my tombstone (my epitaph)?

I once asked my friend, Vidyuth Sreenivasan, who used to be my relay team partner in athletics, what he would say as my obituary and and he responded eloquently, “The best anchor a man could have, if only he was one step faster.” I used to run in the anchor (last) position in the relay, finishing the race, but our team came second place in an inter-school race by a distance that was just about a step behind or so, than the one who finished first.

I have thought about this question, time and again, and recently, when pondering this issue, I felt that my epitaph (departure sign) without the mention of my time on earth or my name (since it is recorded already in the Lamb’s book of Life) should read just the following-

“Here was an unworthy sinner, who, believed in Jesus Christ sent by God the Father, saved by GRACE because he believed, called to be a servant of God, strived to live with God the Holy Spirit as his guide, sowed in tears to be reaped in Joy by his God”

More important is that my arrival into God’s presence when leaving earth, is preceded by “Well done, my good and faithful servant; Come and inherit the kingdom that is prepared for you.

Point(s) to Ponder:
What would your epitaph read?

Fear not because you are NOT forgotten!

Luke 12:4-12 is a very hard passage to stomach for us, mere mortals that love life so much, that we want to live forever on earth. The call to be a child of God comes with its problems and is not necessarily an easy task. Persecution can come in various forms, from simple ridicule and mockery to the loss of life. 2 Thessalonians 1, 1 Peter 4:2 all counsel us that we are called indeed to “take up the Cross and follow Jesus” a.k.a. suffer for his name. This was indeed explicitly given in the call of Paul, the Apostle as recorded in Acts 9:16 which states that “For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake”.

Should it be, that we are faced with a situation to deny the name of Jesus or face death, Jesus tells us what our answers should be.
Fear not of men that can merely kill the body, but can do nothing more (Luke 12:4)
But Fear him (God) who after he hath killed you, has the power to cast you in hell a.k.a kill your soul (Luke 12:5)
He (God) who does not even forget a sparrow, has numbered and knows the very hairs in your head, and He (God) will not forget you.

Fear not because you are NOT forgotten!

www …

In today’s information age, with the prevalence of the internet, one almost instantaneously thinks of the letters “www” as the “World Wide Web”.

But there are other “www”‘s that have been discussed. One that is often quoted to be the downfall of any “man” is the pursuit of Wine, Wealth and Women.
The Bible says, that is not befitting of Kings and Princes to be given to Wine (Proverbs 31:4-5), lest they forget the law and pervert justice. It also counsels that one ought not to give their strength/ways to Women (adulterous) for in the end it leads to destruction (Proverbs 31:3). Jesus states that “no man can serve to masters – God and mammon (wealth)” (Luke 16:13).
While these three ‘w’s have to do with what not to do, I like to look at the positive side of things – three ‘w’s that we ought to do as God’s children (Christians) and that is
Words, Walk and Work

We ought to speak and proclaims the Word of God (Jesus who became flesh) as recorded in John 1:1, the words of God that he wants us to tell this untoward generation (Acts 2:40) whether it is to encourage someone or warn them of God’s justice. Not only are we responsible to speak the words given to us, we ought to also Walk in his ways a.k.a. live a Godly life. Furthermore, it is required of us to not just be mouthpiece priests and pundits, but we must also be laborers (workers) in God’s good earth, following his commands, the greatest of which are “Love God with all our heart, all our soul, all of strength and all our mind” and “Love each other (our neighbors) as we do ourselves”. We must work (do).

Point(s) to Ponder:
What does ‘www’ stand for in your life?

I had no Father, but God

I had no Father But God When visiting the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, I took the picture of the cover of a book (seen here), that I thought was very profound. This is Jesus, saying, “I had no Father, but God”.

Interestingly, when Jesus is told that his brothers and mother were seeking to speak with him, he responds by asking a question. Who is my mother? and who are my brothers? further explaining that WHOEVER (can be you, me and anybody) does the will of God,  his Father in heaven, are his brother, his sister (although he never asked who is my sister) and his mother. This is recorded in Matthew 12:46-50.

Expositing on this makes us realize that we can be the brothers, sisters and mother of Jesus a.k.a. God’s son’s and daughters, when we do the will of God. But wait, there is more, more in this than that which was verbally expressed. Did you notice, Jesus never asked, who is my Father?

During the time of His baptism and His transfiguration, the Bible records, that a voice (of God) from Heaven was heard by men, affirming that “Jesus was God’s beloved Son”. In the scriptures, we see that Jesus claimed to be the be the Son of God, which he is.

The only right conclusion to this matter would be – I cant help but have to end this by asking – Who’s your daddy?

Heart prick to Repent, Remit and Receive

Following the discourse of Jesus’ crucifixion (by men) and His resurrection (by God) as recorded in Acts 2:36, by Peter and the rest of the apostles, the people who heard this were pricked in their heart and said unto Peter and the apostles, WHAT SHALL WE DO (to be saved)?

Peter’s response was simple yet profound. He responded by saying

  1. Repent (and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ) for the
  2. Remission of sins, and ye shall
  3. Receive the gift of the Holy Ghost

The same is answer today to all that seek eternal life and who long for a relationship (not religion) with God, our creator, maker and all-in-all.

Point(s) to Ponder:

  1. Is our heart being pricked?
  2. If so, are we willing to repent, so our sins are remitted and we shall receive God the Holy Spirit in us?

How can one Repent?

Say the following prayer,

Lord God, our Father
I acknowledge that I am not right with You and/or with man,
I believe that you sent your son Jesus Christ for me
Jesus, I thank you that you came and took my place, for my sin,
I believe that you were crucified (by men) and raised to life (by God)
I confess my wrong doings and sins and pray that you forgive them all
I accept you as my Lord and Master.
I am willing to do what you want me to do.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray
Amen (So be it)

Silence is not always Golden

The books of the Acts of the Apostles records in chapter 4, the disciples of Jesus, Peter and John being put in custody, Peter preaching to the Sanhedrin, the boldeness of the disciples, undisputable proof, notable miracle, the apostle’s prayer for boldness and the voluntary giving and sharing in the church. In the midst of all these happenings, there is yet one other incident that cursorily most of us just gloss over; one that can have an indelible impression on us today; one which is most applicable in our age; one that we often conveniently avoid – and this is the command of the Sanhedrin to the disciples, to NOT speak (at all) not teach in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:18).

The response to this command was twofold by the disciples which was

  1. A question (most likely rhetoric) as recorded in Acts 4:19, to those who threatened them -Which is more right in the sight of God (not men), to hearken to your command and be silent or hearken to God (who said – Go ye therefore and teach all nations … – as part of the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) given to them (and us)?
  2. A statement as recorded in Acts 4:20 which highlighted that to NOT speak about Jesus (the things they had seen and heard) would be unnatural, if at all possible. In other words, they were saying that Silence is not always Golden and we will continue to speak and teach in the name of Jesus.

Today, for most of us, even without the pressures to be silent, we rarely speak or teach in the name of Jesus. But for a moment think, should we be forced not to speak and teach in Jesus’ name, what would our response be – will we comply to be silent or will we with boldness aver as the disciples did saying For we cannot but speak the things we which we have seen and heard; Judge us as to what you think is right in the sight of God, hearken to your commands or His

Silence is not always Golden!

The ABCD for a Christian

For years, I have concluded the sermons I preached with the following call
If you need to have eternal life, have a personal 1-on-1 relationship with God, who manifested himself in human form in the person of Jesus, if you want to _________________ (you fill your need here), then the ABCs to know is

  • A – Acknowledge that we are sinners
  • B – Believe  in Jesus (for whoever believes shall not perish)
  • C – Confess our sins (for whoever confesses with his mouth; God is faithful to forgive us all our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness)

But yesterday as I read Acts 19:18 which says – “And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds.” , I realized that in addition to the ABCs, there is a ‘D’ to needs to follow for those who have acknowledge, believed, and confessed, which is to ‘Do’.

We are undoubtedly saved by GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense) and NOT by our WORKS (Ephesians 2:8-9), but we are called to DO good works (Matthew 5:16) is what the scriptures say and to the many who acknowledge, believe and confess, we must ALSO do.

We are saved by the Grace of God, but we are going to be judged by our works.
Jesus said, On judgment day, you will be told –
when I was hungry, you did/did not feed me;
when I was thirsty, you did/did not give me a drink;
when I was a stranger, you did/did not take me in;
when I was naked, you did/did not clothe me;
when I was sick, you did/did not visit me;
when I was in prison, you did/did not come to me.

And depending on whether we DID or DID NOT, judgment is meted on us to either to inherit the kingdom prepared for us and continue enjoying the presence of the Lord.

Let us not just stop with the ABC but move on to D – to DO the commands of God.

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain

This morning meditation was from the first chapter of the epistle (letter) of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, the first Church founded by Paul in Macedonia. The letter starts with Paul’s thankfulness for the Church at Philippi, giving them words of encouragement to continue God’s work and exhorting them to meet and be filled with the Spirit of God.

He then shifts gear to talk about his Chains, as he was a prisoner for his allegiance to the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
According to the Apostle Paul, these chains (bonds in Christ) were not chains that burdened him, instead these were chains that built confidence in all those who belonged to the Son of God, making them bold to proclaim the word without fear.

He them expresses a dilemma, that he would rather be in the presence of God than to abide in the flesh, however, he realizes that to abide in the flesh was more beneficial to the church. Having said that, his focus in not on himself, but on Christ (Messiah a.k.a. Jesus), which he expresses saying “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).
Philippians 1:21 is also the theme chosen for the Austin Christian Fellowship of India (ACFI) for the year of the Lord, 2009.

Point(s) to Ponder :

  1. Is our suffering chains for Jesus (if we do suffer any at all), ones that make people focus on us, or are they ones that make others confident to focus on the Son of God?
  2. Warren Wiersbe’s commentary on Philippians 1:21 have a few interesting ways in which “For to me to live is _____________ and to die is ___________” can be completed as shown below
    For to me to live is money and to die is to leave it all behind
    For to me to live is fame and to die is to be forgotten
    For to me to live is power and to die is to lose it all

    How will you and I fill in the blanks – “For to me to live is _____________ and to die is ___________”.

The Proclamation

What a wonderful God we serve. With the Promise given, and a Pledge made, today’s morning meditation was from Psalm 2, in which God makes this proclamation (a decree) and tells unto us in Psalm 2:7 – “I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me and I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. …”

Verse 11 however commands that we need to Serve the Lord with fear and trembling.
Verse 12 states Blessed are all they that put their trust in the Son of God (in Jesus Christ).

Lord, my prayer to you is this, that I will wholeheartedly serve you with fear and trembling reverence. Blessed is your name.

The Pledge

Woke up in the night with what seemed to be a nightmare. It seemed like the time (of the great tribulation) when those who stood for the name of Jesus Christ were being separated from their families and I was being snatched away from my son (Reuben) and my wife (Sangeetha). What broke me was that I could not bear to see the separation of my son from me. I woke up and found the pillow drenched in tears and was unable to stop sobbing as I walked into my office where my wife was. She asked what was wrong and as I explained to her, what I had dreamt envisioned, she empathized with me and asked that I go back to sleep. I went back to the bedroom and saw the time and it was 11:22 p.m. and I saw my son and held him close and as I reminisced, I realized the depth of the love of our God for each one of us.

John 3:16 says “For God (the greatest) so loved (the greatest story) the world (the greatest number) that he gave (the greatest act) His Only Begotten Son (the greatest gift), that whosoever (the greatest invitation) believes (the greatest simplicity) in Him (the greatest person), shall not perish (the greatest escape) but (the greatest difference) have (the greatest certainty) eternal life (the greatest destiny).

God the Father had to be separated from His Only Begotten Son (Jesus Christ, who despising the shame of the Cross, endured it, considering the Joy that was set before Him; now seated at the right hand of God) so that you and I will not have to be separated from God – Oh what a great Love.

With that thought, a peace came over my heart, wherein I realized,
Lord if I am called to lay my life down for you, may I be given the strength by you, to willingly accept it.
I pledge my allegiance to you, O Lamb of God. This is my prayer to you, O Lord.

I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
With alll my strength, with all I am
I will seek to honor His Commands
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
To the Lamb of God (Jesus), who bore my pain
Who took my place, and wore my shame
I will seek to honor His Commands
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb

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