Valentine_316Today is Valentine’s day and while we some may have taken the time to wish our spouses and girlfriends/boyfriends, children, relatives, teachers and friends, a very special Happy Valentine day while others may have forgotten to do so (present company included), there is one person, that we should have never forgotten to wish to be our Valentine; and that person is Jesus Christ.

Click on the image in the left to see How God is our Valentine.

The following is a beautiful composition, I saw online, and thought, I’d share. Enjoy
Thanks to Bernice Ward for such wonderful words.

We keep such thoughts of You so dear
Thanking You for the love You share
When a day comes it just seems fair,
To tell You, “I love You,” for You always care.

Sharing Jesus my heavenly Valentine
His love for me is always near,
I thank Him for being my valentine
I am his and He is mine.

Jesus wants to be our lasting valentine
Not just a special day, but everyday,
Love is something He commands us to do,
Let’s tell Jesus, My heart belongs to You!

The special Love that Jesus spreads
Grows stronger each and everyday
Let’s spread His love throughout the land,
We are safe in the hollow of His hand.

You and I are very special to the Lord
He only wants to capture your heart,
He gives love for all our cares
And stands by to wipe our tears.

So Jesus and I are sending you a Hug
Just remember all He sends your way,
In good times and bad, God is at our side,
Stay safe and warm in Jesus love abide.