Recently, I heard a dear friend and brother, John Cherukuri at the Austin Christian Fellowship of India speak from the book of Acts on the life of Barnabas, whose real name was Jos-es (variant of Joseph), but the Apostles called him Barnabas (meaning son of Encouragement or Consolation) as recorded in Acts 4:26. During his discourse, eluding to the dwindling and declining economy, prevalent today, that we need to be encouragers ourselvers, encouraging one another rather than being fixated on savings, he made the following statement, “Life is not about SAVINGS”.

This got me thinking and we chatted after the sermon, that Life is really not about Savings (plural), but about SAVING (singular).
Not Savings, as in what we put aside in our bank balance (on ephemeral earth), but Saving , as in what we put inside our soul balance (in eternal heaven).

Soul balance = The number of souls that God uses us to add to his kingdom, those whom we have helped, accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Point(s) to Ponder:
Proverbs 11:30 – A soul winner is wise.
What is your soul balance? What is mine?