Interestingly, the word for witness in Greek is ‘martyr’. To be a witness of Jesus is to be a martyr, willing to lay one’s life down for Jesus, just as Jesus did for us. To be a disciple of Jesus is not to just COUNT the cost, but PAY it (easier said than done). Can it be said of us that “For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21) or will Jesus rebuke us saying that “We are a generation of little faith”, often forgetting His promises, “Fear NOT” and “Lo, I am with you ALWAYS – Be my Witness.”

As a witness, we are not only called to be martyrs, but Bridge Builders. We have been given 2 pieces of wood and 3 nails to build the cross ‘The ONLY Bridge’ for man to be able to reach God. We are tasked to build the bridge in the shielded minds of those who don’t know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

Points(s) to ponder:

  1. Isn’t it time for us to start building the Bridge to God?
  2. Isn’t it time for us to not just count the cost, but be willing to pay it –
    To be or not to be – a witness? That is our question.