While teaching our 3 year old, Reuben, the wisdom Psalm (Psalm 1), as he repeated it, line by line, when we came to verse 2 (…and in his law, doth he meditate day and night), he said something that sounded like … and in his law, doth he MARINATE day and night.

This got me thinking when I realized that from the mouth of babes, God does speak and upon searching for the meaning of the word ‘MARINATE’, I learned that to marinate means to “soak”. How appropriate!

God wants us to soak in his word (law), a.k.a. the living words in the Holy Scriptures (the Bible). Our minds should be filled with the words of God and we should be soaking in it, so that we can effectively use it (the word) –

  1. as a defensive shield and not sin against God, displeasing and hurting him (His word that is hidden in our hearts will impede us from sinning against God) and/or
  2. as an offensive sword (Ephesians 6) against the schemes of the enemies of God (one of them being the world, the other being the ruler of this ephemeral world and his minions).

Point(s) to ponder:

  1. Did you/I read the Bible (God’s word/law) today?
  2. Is your/my mind pondering on the things you read?
  3. Are you/I soaking (marinating) in his law, every conscious (day) and sub-conscious (night) moment?