We have heard of the saying, Get rich or die trying. Most of us, especially me as a business man, are always seeking opportunities to make it big with the shortest critical path to success a.k.a. trying to get rich in haste. The Bible in God inspired wisdom, warns us of this effort.

Proverbs 28:30 states “A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting rich or being rich, the Bible does warn us to be careful of “Get rich quick” plans, since most of these efforts have the potential to compromise our faithfulness (righteousness) to God and man.

Abraham was rich, King David was rich, King Solomon was rich, Joseph of Arimathaea (Matthew 27:57) and many more in the Bible are recorded to be rich. Those in this list that were faithful are the ones who are also known to have been blessed. So watch out and beware of getting rich quickly. Think twice when you are faced with such decisions and pray to seek God’s will, evaluating if engaging would make you, to be guilty (not innocent) of being unfaithful to God and man. A faithful man shall abound with blessings.