To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Yes be Yes; No be No

Ever been interrupted by a call that seems important but when the person comes on the line, you find out that someone (telemarketer) is trying to sell you something. Often, I just ask if this is a courtesy call and if so, I request them politely to add my name to their do-not-call list. However, sometimes I still get calls from the same telemarketing company and no requests to be removed from their list are heeded to.

Matthew 5:37 counsels us – “Simply let our ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No'”. This should work wonders with Telemarketers, I think. I am yet to validate this.
But the next time, you have a persistent telemarketer calling, do the following –

  1. Take the call
  2. Let them introduce themselves
  3. Tell them that you are more interested in sharing something with them
  4. Tell them that your master (Jesus Christ) has counseled in his Word (the Bible), that our ‘Yes’ should be ‘Yes’ and our ‘No’ should be ‘No’. (anything else is from the evil one). Dont call them evil by any chance.
  5. Now ask them, would you like to know more about this Jesus Christ. There is a high degree of possibility that they will hang-up on you and probably add you to their do-not-call list. 🙂
  6. If they stay on the phone with you, tell them that you have more to give that they can offer and best of all – it is FREE. Share with them that acknowledging Jesus as Lord, Believing in Him and Confessing our sins will be more valuable that anything anyone can sell.
  7. Ask to pray with them and pray with them.

Telemarketers have a work to do and so please be polite with them when reaching out to them.

Matthew 5:37
37. Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.




April Fool’s day

1 Comment

  1. matt

    This blog’s great!! Thanks :).

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