It is Good Friday and as I wondered what to write about, I realized that Good Friday is indeed a Love story

We call on God by many names

  • El (God) and its variations – Elohim (the Almighty Creator), El  Elyon  (“Most High God”), El Shaddai (“God Almighty”), El `Olam (“Everlasting God”), El Hai (“Living God”), El Ro’i (“God of Seeing”), El Elohe Israel (“God, the God of Israel”), El Gibbor (“God of Strength”) …;
  • Jehovah (THE Being, The I AM) and its variations – Jehovah-jireh (God, my provider), Jehovah-rophe (God, my healer), Jehovah-nissi (God, my banner), Jehovah-M’Kaddesh (God, my sanctifier), Jehovah-shalom (God, my peace), Jehovah-tsidkenu (God, my righteousness), Jehovah-rohi (God, my shepherd), Jehovah-shammah (God, my presence)
  • Adonai (the Lord); Alpha and Omega (the beginning and the end) and so on

Ever wondered as to what God’s alias is, that would not dilute His character or demote His being?

The entire Bible is a love story. God’s love for his creation, for us. The Bible also records in 1 John 4:7-8 that we ought to love one another, for Love is of God and everyone that loves is born of God and knows God, He that loves not, knows not God for God is Love, Beloved, let us love one another.

God’s alias is given in the portion of his infallible word. God IS Love.

Replacing the word ‘love’ with the word ‘God’ as recorded in 1 Corinthians 13 which gives us the excellent attributes of “Love”, makes us in fact see who God is.

Love (God) is patient, love (God) is kind. Love (God) does not envy, love (God) does not boast, love (God) is not proud.
Love (God) is not rude, love (God) is not self-seeking, love (God) is not easily angered, love (God) keeps no record of wrongs.
Love (God) does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
Love (God) always protects, love (God) always trusts, love (God) always hopes, love (God) always perseveres.
Love (God) never fails.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love (God) . But the greatest of these is love (God).

Point(s) of ponder:

Call on God as He is Love and you will find the warmth of his unconditional, sacrificial and sanctifying love embrace you, no matter what state you are in or who you are.