To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Lessons from the Bee – impossible made possible

We watched the Bee movie of couple of months ago and the opening line stuck in my mind. The movie begins with “According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway. Because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.”

Many times our human minds negate miraculous events around us because it concludes that such events are impossible. Events that defy human explanation such as healing and cure from a terminal disease, the barren women given birth, the comatose coming alive, the lame walking, the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the mute speaking, the captive being set free, those in bondage being released, the dead being raised, and the one miracle that all should experience, which is the miracle of a sinner turning saint when they trust and believe in Jesus, all seem impossible to the human mind.

But the question that God asked Sarah (Abraham’s wife) when he laughed at the promise of her being with child in her nineties is the same question that God is asking today – Is anything too hard for the LORD?

Bees not only fly, but they can dance, because God made them to be able. God has made us in his image (Image Deo) and with Him on our side, we can achieve the impossible as well. Take heart in the fact that there is nothing impossible with God and like the bees, we don’t have to care what humans think is impossible.

Genesis 18:13-14
And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?
14 Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.


Lessons from the Ant – be wise


Lessons from the Caterpillar – unquenchable appetite / metamorphosis


  1. Persis Lim

    Dear Paul,
    I enjoy your stories and lessons from the Animals, big and small… I would like to use them to share with my students at our assembly. Is this ok with you? Thanks for the many encouragement as I read these stories… Thank God!

    • Dear Persis
      Thank you for your kind words. Absolutely, free feel to use the stories from the Hidden Treasures blog to share with anyone you feel necessary, and most certainly your students in your assembly. God’s word is free and I am merely his mouthpiece. Kindly ask your students and you personally pray for the ministry to continue to be effective via the blog site. God bless you and yours richly as you serve him faithfully.
      Yours in the service of the King of kings and Lord of lords, I remain.
      Mano Paul

  2. Stephen

    Well said. I have been blessed to feel in my life the impossible happen, we know it’s not impossible but the world would call it so. First that the Lord would even heal (spiritually) a sinner as myself.
    Second, that he healed me from terminal cancer.
    Third, he hears my prayers.

    • Thank you Stephen for your testimony that is encouraging. We have all been saved from the cancer of sin and so as you rightfully put it, that is a task that is human impossible, except for the blood of Christ and his Salvation. Nothing is too hard for the LORD.

  3. bob

    I wish I could write this well! great blog thanks.

    • Mano Paul

      The writing ability is God given to be used for His glory and is not my own talent 🙂 Thank you for your kind words, but the glory is really due unto God (Jesus Christ)

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