The Bible has an interesting saying in the book of Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse 15 which cautions the reader to “Be aware and Beware of foxes,  little foxes, that spoil the vineyard“.

When compared to the large predators such as the lions and the bears, foxes, and more particularly little foxes are not the prime focus of defense for a shepherd boy or a vineyard caretaker. The Bible  in its infallible wisdom, cautions us to not be complacent when it comes to these crafty cunning little foxes, that can ruin the vineyard.

While this was originally written with the intent to ensure the sanctity and preservation of a love relationship in marriage (vineyard), informing the people to be aware of the little things that can affect that relationship, it can also be extrapolated to living a holy life as well.While most of us may not ever willingly and openly have other god’s before us, or murder, or bear false testimony in court or covet, taking these vices seriously  etc … we don’t seem to mind when it comes to our work and families (other god’s) taking more precedence and preeminence over God, or hating (murdering in spite) our fellow neighbors, or lying (false testimony) and comparing our state of being (coveting) to that of our friends, co-workers and neighbors. It is these little sins (foxes), that we should be cautious about as they have the same devastating effects as the larger sins (lions and bears).

Be aware and Beware of foxes (sins), little foxes (little sins) that can spoil the vineyard (holy living).

Song of Solomon 2:15 (King James Version)
15 Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.