Many know the name Jesus. Some think that He was just a good man. Others think He is a Christian God. Christians and His followers pray to Jesus and they pray in the name of Jesus. But did you stop for a moment to see how much there is to this Name.  Let’s just take some time to ponder over the depth of God’s wisdom behind that Name.

The Almighty and Eternal God for whom any name would be an understatement of his character and abilities had to choose a name for Himself when He had to arrive on earth. The uncontainable God in divine wisdom chose the name to be Jesus, which meant Savior for He shall save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).

Jesus means Savior, but isn’t it interesting that when the wise men (Magi) sought Jesus upon his birth, they did not seek Him as Savior, rather they sought Him as the King of the Jews. They went and asked Herod, the then reigning king, the following question – Where is he that is born the King of the Jews (REX IVDAEORVM) not where is he that is born the Savior (Jesus) as recorded in Matthew 2:2.

Herod was troubled by this request and feeling threatened by a babe in a manger, orders the slaughter of all children, two years and under, but God in divine intervention warns Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus to leave Bethlehem (where Jesus was born), and go to Egypt. Herod eventually dies and the angel of God appears to Joseph, and says that he can return to Israel, but Joseph fearing to return, since Archelaus, the son of Herod was the reigning king, moves into Nazareth. Interesting, isn’t it to note that when Jesus was called the Holy One of God by the unclean spirits in a man, they specifically address Him by saying, I know who you are, Jesus of Nazareth (IESVS NAZARENVS) (Mark 1:24).

When Jesus fulfilled the will of God and accomplished the work of being the Savior (saving His people from their sins) by suffering and enduring the shame of the Cross, He lived up to His Name. Even in the death of Jesus, His Name stood out literally. An inscription in 3 languages was placed on the cross which in Latin (the then official Roman language) read, INRI. INRI  stood for IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDAEORVM. (John 19:19) Fascinating, absolutely fascinating, this inscription (or) title meant, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. Jesus (what He was to be called, meaning Savior) of Nazareth (what He was identified as), King of the Jews (what He was sought as and branded in His death)

The Name is Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth but what is even more poignant is that God who had contained Himself in that Name now has been bestowed a Name that is above ALL NAMES. Incredible, absolutely incredible is the depth of God’s wisdom. The King of kings was born as the King of the Jews and the name given to Him is Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth. Next time you say the name, Jesus, I beseech you to ponder over how Saving and Kingly that Name is. I sure will.