To get pearls, one must dive deep!

The Name is Prince of Peace

Isaiah 9:6 lists among the various names given to Jesus (Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, The everlasting Father), a name which reads “The Prince of Peace”. Well if Jesus is the Prince of Peace, then who is the King of Peace?

The scripture gives us clues as to who this is! First, the scriptures lets us know that God is the King of Peace and so his son must be the Prince of Peace, and secondly it also proves that Jesus is indeed God and so He is not only the Prince of Peace but also the King of Peace.

Let’s first look at “God is the King of Peace, Jesus His son is the Prince of Peace“. I was asking my wife, Sangeetha as to what this “Prince of Peace” could mean and she mentioned that whenever, she is anxious about anything, she finds peace when she starts to focus on God, instead of the situation. This reminded me of Isaiah 26:3, which talks about God (the LORD) who will keep in PERFECT Peace, those whose minds are stayed (focus) on Him. This would mean that the one who is the originator of PERFECT peace is God, the Father, the King and the Son of God would obviously be known as the Prince of Peace. This actually is a testament to the sonship of Jesus Christ, just as much as it is a directive for us to have our eyes focused and fixed on God.

Secondly, “Let’s look at Jesus as God and if that is so, He is the King of Peace”. Hebrews 6:20 talks about Jesus, the High Priest in the order of Melchisedec. Who is this Melchisedec? Hebrews 7:1 records of the incident that occured in Genesis 14, wherein this priest named Melchizedek (Melchisedec), priest of the most High God, blessed Abraham giving bread and wine (Genesis 14:18). Hebrews 7:2 qualifies Melchisedec as the King of Righteousness and the King of Peace (Salem). Hebrews 7:3 is critical because it talks about Melchisedec having no earthly heritage, but who was made like unto the Son of God (Jesus). Jesus is our high priest and he blesses each of us, by giving us his body (bread) and blood (wine). Jesus is not only the King of Righteousness, but He is also the King of Peace. Jesus was the Son of God, without father, without mother, without descent, no beginning of days or end of life (alpha and omega). These facts recorded point to the fact that Jesus is indeed the Melchisedec of Abraham’s days, and that means Jesus is not just the Prince of Peace but He is also the King of Peace.


The Name is Only begotten Son


The Name is Quickening Spirit

1 Comment

  1. Jesus was PEACEFULLY sleeping in the boat, when the storms around it threatened to capsize it and when He woke and rebuke it, the winds abated and the storm ceased. He was in fact so sound asleep that it was not the external storm that awoke him, but the storm of fear (due to lack of faith) that brewed in the hearts of the disciples on that boat, that made the disciples wake Him up. Jesus’ peace transcended to the elements outside the boat as well, when He commanded them. Only in Jesus can you have perfect peace, internally and externally. (Mark 4:35-41)

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