To get pearls, one must dive deep!


When Moses asked God His Name, God’s answer was “I AM”.
The God who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) continues to answer in the same manner to all those who ask Him as to what His Name is.

If you are hungry – He will tell you that I AM the bread of life and I can satisfy your desires.
If you are seeking protection and provisions – He will tell you that I AM the Door and those who enter by Me will be safe and secure.
If you are like sheep gone astray – He will tell you that I AM the good shepherd searching, seeking and going after each one that is lost.
If you are in darkness – He will tell you that I AM the light of the world and those who are Mine cannot be in darkness.
If you have no hope – He will tell you that I AM the resurrection and the life and the hope for the hopeless, life for the lifeless and when you believe in Me, even if you are to die, yet you will live for my Spirit is a quickening (life-giving) Spirit.
If you feel betrayed and buried in a world of lies – He will tell you that I AM the Truth and for that matter, the Way and the Life.
If you feel unproductive and unsatisfied – He will tell you that I AM the true vine and in abiding in Me, you will bear MUCH fruit and your desires will be granted according to His riches and permissive will.

Ask Him today, what His Name is and be prepared to receive the ‘I AM’ answer!

Hebrews 13:8 (KJV)
8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.


The Name above all Names


Jesus is My Hero

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