From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible talks about many heroes, from the renowned mighty giants in the earth (Genesis 6:4) to the heroic two witnesses yet to appear in the end times (Revelation 11), heroes and heroines who subdued kingdoms, stopped the mouth of lions, quenched the violence of fire, waxed valiant in fight, brought down giants so much so that Nehemiah 3:16 refers to a House of Heroes (the mighty). Though the Bible talks about many heroes, it is really a record on ONE Hero, THE HERO, whose name is Jesus, by whom all these others turned out to be heroes.

I could go on writing as to why Jesus is The Hero, but I am afraid, it would fall short of its impact, when compared to what our darling and beloved three year old  toddler son, Reuben Abishai Paul (RAP) has to say/rap. 🙂 You be the judge of that … Enjoy.

In the movie, Taking Chance, it is said of the main character that He died a Hero, but more importantly He lived a Hero“. Of Jesus, it can be said “in death that He overcame and in Life that He freely gives to all who believe, He was, is and will be always a Hero“. When the battle is over and the dust settles, there is only Victor standing and that is Jesus Christ.

Jesus is simply The BEST. He is my Hero and the Hero of my son and wife, Sangeetha Johnson. The question that remains is, Is He your Hero as well?