If I was to ask you as to what the gift of God is toward mankind, the chances are that your answers may be one of the following – salvation, eternal life, a restored relationship with God, all of which are scripturally correct, but how often do we think of the gift of God is the person of Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh for us.

I can’t quite remember who it was that first said that the gift of God is an INCREDIBLE, INDISPUTABLE and INDISPENSABLE gift, but believe that the inspiration was truly divine. Jesus Christ, God’s gift The PRESENT to mankind is One you and I can freely receive and cherish. Jesus Christ is truly Incredible, Indisputable and Indispensable.

Incredible because of His

  • Origin from God (For God)
  • Overflow of Love (So)
  • Object of Affection (The world, you and me)

Indisputable, because He is

  • Definite (That)
  • Sacrificial (He Gave)
  • Unique (Only begotten Son)

Indispensable, in that He

  • Reaches all of Humanity (Whoever believes in Jesus)
  • Rescues from Hell (Shall not perish)
  • Redeems us for Heaven (but have eternal life)

Have you received this Indescribable Gift?

John 3:16 (KJV)
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.