No matter what, the right thing to do in our living moments is to perpetually seek the Lord as it is not only a matter of a conviction but also a commandment that ought to be followed. But we find ourselves consumed with our commitments to our own matters of life, from our family to our employer and in some cases even extra-curricular activities seem to take priority over our spiritual relationship with the LORD God. In a world that makes one believe the lie, that their is no time to spare, what are some practical ways we can seek the LORD. In other words, How can one Seek the Lord? The answer can be found in the Bible as well. In the book of Daniel, Daniel writes “And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes:” (Daniel 9:3).

We can seek the Lord by

  1. prayer and supplications
  2. fasting
  3. sackcloth and ashes

Prayer: When was the last time we prayed and presented our request to get to know what was in God’s own heart. Sadly most of our prayers have been reduced to “Lord bless me, my family, my work and my plans” and in some cases we pray with the request to make our will God’s will instead of praying for God’s will to be revealed and to be made our own. Prayer like any communication is a dialog and while it is absolutely essential to present our requests (supplications) to God, what is even more important and needed is that we take the time to hold our peace and be silent before the Lord so that we may hear Him speak and tell us what He has in His heart.

Fasting: Fasting is not merely the missing of a meal or the abstinence of food (or food items) for a period of time. Food (bread) is what sustains us and fasting is a demonstration on our reliance on God and his word to sustain us and not just merely depend on food. When the disciples questioned Jesus as to why they were unable to cast the spirit that had possessed and taken captive of a little child, Jesus responded that power over some demonic kinds are only possible with prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29). In other words, prayer (telling God what you would like to have done) and fasting (relying totally on God to do it) equals Power (the demonstration of God coming through and the people giving Him the glory)

Sackcloth and ashes: The Dictionary of Cliches defines “to wear sackcloth and ashes” a “to be contrite, penitent or chagrined over something on has done. It was an ancient Hebrew custom to wear sackcloth dusted with or accompanied by ashes as sign of humbleness in religious ceremonies.” In other words, to seek the Lord with sackcloths and ashes is to humble ourselves with a contrite and penitent heart, one that God will not despise (Psalm 51:17).

So How do we seek the Lord? With

  1. prayer and supplications – communing with God to find out what is in His heart
  2. fasting – relying totally on Him and
  3. sackcloth and ashes – humbling ourselves with a penitent and contrite heart

Let us ALL seek the LORD.

Daniel 9:3 (KJV)
3 And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes:

3 And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes: