We celebrate Labor day in the United States, the first Monday in September as a tribute to the American worker.

But have you ever wondered as to whether labor day is celebrated in heaven.
Each and every time there is a sinner who is snatched from the clutches of Satan and turned from his road to hell, when he or she believes that Jesus Christ is LORD and calls on THE NAME of  Jesus, there is rejoicing in heaven (Luke 15:7), in tribute to the labor of a Christian worker who was faithful to THE COMMISSION (Matthew 28:19-20). In other words, one can say labor day is celebrated in heaven every time a sinner repents.

The laborer is in fact a co-laborer with God (1 Corinthians 3:9), i.e., we work in God’s vineyard, but it is the Holy Spirit God that convicts the world of righteousness, sin and judgment (John 16:9) and it is God who gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:7).

What is more is that there is not only rejoicing in heaven, but a reward set aside as well for it is written that the laborer is worthy of his reward (1 Timothy 5:18).

However, there are many passive spectators and inactive laborers in God’s kingdom business today (and I am many times one of them). We forget the word’s of the Master laborer, Jesus Christ, who finished the work of redeeming from sin unto Salvation and who has commissioned us to tell this sole glorious Truth unto others, when He expressed that truly the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few (Matthew 9:27). God is seeking to partner with laborers for his work of reconciliation of men and women to God.

Labor day in heaven is a tribute to the Christian worker, who is a partner (co-laborer) with God.
So the questions that remains are

  1. Are we willing to be active co-laborers with God?
  2. What is the tribute you / I will be commemorated and honored for?
  3. Are you / Am I the reason for labor day celebration in heaven?