Though this article’s title may make one wonder if its contents are about M. Night Shymalan’s mystery thriller with supernatural overtones that revolves around a man who learns something extraordinary about himself after a devastating accident, I can assure you, it is not.
This title is taken from the Holy and infallible word of God, wherein it is recorded in the book of Ecclesiastes, where the speaker before the assembly (ekklesia) states in chapter 4 verse 12, that a threefold cord is not easily broken. The imagery I have when I read this text is the rope that is made up of coir (coconut fibers) and in order for me to break that, I need to separate the strands from one another before attempting to break it. Failure to separate the strands before trying to break the cord is usually futile.
I remember sharing from this text in the wedding reception of my brother, Remo’s and also in the wedding reception of a family friend. The premise of the message from this text was this. With a divorce rate so high and ever increasing, homes are broken and lives are shattered. Why is something that God hates (and yes God hates divorce) so prevalent in our times today? The Bible has the answer and we can see the relevance to this in this text.
You and your spouse are two persons made one (in marriage) and the two of you should be inter-twined with God and made one. It is God who is the third person in your marriage, but he needs to be wrapped in with you two, so that your relationships with Him and with each other is solidified. We should not let God, the third person in your marriage be a third person in our lives as well. This is the grounds for separation and weaknesses in marriages. It is only befitting that I share the words of a song by Cliff Richard that I used to listen to when I was growing up –
You and me and Jesus; Jesus, me and you
On our own, we’d break; with Him we will make it through
Jesus, take us, make us what you want us both to be
I give myself to her; she gives herself to me.
However, note that this does not apply only to a marriage relationship but to any relationship. It may be a parent-child relationship, a business partnership, an employer-employee relationship, a teacher-student relationship, etc. In all of these, it is imperative to ensure that the one who wraps around the relationship and strengthens it must be God.
Isn’t it interesting that even in the very essence of God, we see this to be evident – One God, three persons as God the Father, Jesus the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
The question that remains then is “Are you/Am I unbreakable?”
Ecclesiastes 4:12 (KJV)
12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
For a related reading, see Habit #6 – Partner with God and his people
Mano Paul
Erin, nice thoughts.
I am glad we have a God who hates divorce, but still continues to love the divorcee. Well, he cannot divorce us from His love, can He and irrespective of how unfaithful we are sometimes, He is always ready with open arms, beckoning us to return, for he has purchased us to be His OWN.
Thank you for sharing. God bless you and your ministry.
You ask, ” Why is something that God hates (and yes God hates divorce) so prevalent in our times today?”
It is because people today do not know what the Bible says about marriage, divorce and remarriage.
“Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery and he who marries one who is divorced from a husband commits adultery.”
—Jesus Christ
Because remarrying after a divorce constitutes adultery, we must ask ourselves who are we committing adultery against if we are no longer married? If a divorce makes us free and single why are we committing adultery AFTER a divorce and if we have no spouse AFTER a divorce then who are we committing adultery against?
The answer would have to be that it is against the one from whom we are divorced. This would mean that a divorce does not dissolve the marriage bond if we can still commit adultery AFTER the court proclaims that they have dissolved our marriage.
If divorce truly ended marriage, it would be impossible to commit adultery AFTER divorcing. The fact that Jesus Himself says that the adultery kicks in AFTER a divorce must mean that divorce is powerless to actually end the marriage covenant that God has said is for life.
“A wife is married to her husband as long as he lives.”
1 Corinthians 7:39
Many, many people today are deceived. They do not know the truth.
If a divorce makes us single, why are we then committing adultery while on a honeymoon with a new partner AFTER a divorce?
The court may declare someone’s marriage dissolved but Jesus does not agree with the court. Luke 16:18
Mano Paul
Cliff Richard – You, Me and Jesus video. Enjoy.