Many decisions that ought to be taken are not taken due to one of the following reasons:
1. we try to rationalize the situation assuming that our finite and limited human minds has infinite comprehension and abilities or
2. we think of the consequences of the decision and are paralyzed for fear of life or fear of being ridiculed.

In today’s text, taken from Genesis 6-9, we will look at Noah, who chose to obey NO MATTER WHAT.

As a backdrop to this character, Noah was commanded by God to build an ark that would become the means for Salvation of his family and all living things that God had created, from a flood that God said he would destroy the world with, as a punishment for its wickedness and violence. This command would seem absurd to say the least, since there was no account of rain before the flood. The closest thing to rain is the watering of the earth with a mist the came from the ground (Genesis 2:6), but this is not explicitly indicative of rain or flood. For a man to be building an ark when rain had never before been seen (Hebrews 11: 7) and the concept of  a flood not witnessed before then, would certainly give reasons for ridicule, especially if he was also claiming that he was doing so as in obedience to God. Noah nonetheless obeyed NO MATTER WHAT one would think of him.

If Noah had rationalized or thought of the consequences of being ridiculed, he and his family would have ended up like anyone else – unsaved and dead. His act of obedience, trusting in God’s faithfulness, not only saved all who were brought into the ark but also earned him an entry into the Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11:7),  and his obedience in God gave him the title as ‘preacher of righteousness’. (2 Peter 2:5). Only in Jesus, the ark of our Salvation is life and all who place their trust in Jesus, as the savior of the world, are saved from God’s wrath and punishment of death.

Points to ponder:

  1. What is God asking of you and me today in the area of obeying Him at His word?
  2. Can we take the step to obey implicitly, without rationalizing or thinking of the consequences, even if we will be ridiculed; Can we obey NO MATTER WHAT?