Many decisions that ought to be taken are not taken due to one of the following reasons:
1. we try to rationalize the situation assuming that our finite and limited human minds has infinite comprehension and abilities or
2. we think of the consequences of the decision and are paralyzed for fear of life or fear of being ridiculed.

In today’s text, taken from the book of Exodus, we will look at Moses, who chose to refuse the pleasures and treasures NO MATTER WHAT.

As a backdrop to this character, Moses who was raised the prince of Egypt, by Pharaoh’s own daughter, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He instead chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. The consequences of Moses’ action meant that he would now have to give up what many others would aspire to have, he would have to go up against Pharaoh himself to seek deliverance for the people of God, and more importantly, his own life would now be in jeopardy. Moses  nonetheless refused the pleasures and treasures NO MATTER WHAT the consequences would be.

If Moses had rationalized or thought of the consequences, he would have possibly ended up as a successor of Pharaoh in Egypt, merely gaining ephemeral passing pleasures and temporary treasures. His life history may or may not be recorded in history books and with his death, he would be soon forgotten. His act of refusal to accept the things the world offered, and to stand for the people of God, not only solidified his friendship with God (Exodus 33:11) but also earned him an entry into the Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11:24),  and gave him the privilege of being one who is recorded to have seen the invisible God. (Deuteronomy 34:10, Hebrews 11:27). Our refusal of the pleasures and treasures this world has to offer, makes our heart focus on the people and things of God and with the purification work of the Holy Spirit of God in us, we can expect to see God. Jesus Christ will reveal himself unto them whose hearts are pure, who refuse to be corrupted by the pleasures and treasures of this world. Only those who are pure in heart can see God (Matthew 5:8).

Points to ponder:

  1. What is God asking of you and me today to refuse?
  2. Can we take the step to refuse the pleasures and treasures this world has to offer, without rationalizing or thinking of the consequences, NO MATTER WHAT?