In the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, recorded in Luke 18:15-17 we see a familiar passage wherein Jesus tells his disciples to ‘Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

The word ‘Suffer’ in this text is used interchangeably with the word ‘Allow‘. While this passage is often spoken of as the love God has for children (in age), in today’s context, we can also view it as applicable to all of God’s children who are being prevented from being touched  and blessed (yes Jesus touched the children and blessed them). The world today is trying to keep us away from God. Prayer is disallowed in public schools, public display of the Ten commandments in federal buildings is being questioned and the words ‘In God we Trust’ that is imprinted on American currency is sought to be changed. To be a follower of Christ is becoming an object of ridicule  in this callous and wicked generation where Halloween festivities supersede Christmas (which is also being renamed as X-mas). And then again, there is so much more that try to forbid us, his children from Christ. We are his children for to all who believe in His name, He gave them the right to be called the children of God.

But the great news is that God is a welcoming God who is ordering those things that keep us away from him, to suffer (allow) little children (us) to come unto Him so that He can touch our lives and bless us. Jesus Christ is a welcoming God. Have you heard his call/his invitation?