Today we were blessed in taking the first step toward one of my life long dreams, which is to see all of the seven wonders of the world with my family. With a trip to one of the seven wonders, the Chichen Itza, in the Yucatan peninsula, there are six more to go. The ingenuity and resourcefulness of man in building such a pyramid, the thousand columns and the ball court is incredibly fascinating.
We drove from Cancun for nearly three hours, with the majority of the trip on autopista (toll road 180D). While the drive itself was uneventful, there were many signs on the toll road that caught my attention.There were several signs that had to do with the drive. Some of the noticeable ones were:
Respete limited des velocidad (Respect/Obey the speed limit),
Obedezca las senales (Obey the sign),
Dismuniya su velocidad (Slow down),
Maneja con precaucion (Drive with caution),
Topes (or) Reductor de velocidad (Speed bumps),
Radar en operacion (Radar in operation) and
Un solo carril (Single lane)
Quickly it dawned on me that the signs on the road are very applicable in our Christian journey as well. Our Christian walk should be one in which we respect/obey the signs (God’s commandments in the Bible). Though we often view speed limit signs to be a limitation of our need for speed, it in reality is for our own protection. Likewise, in Christian life, people tend to view the Bible (God signs to us) as a one that limits our freedom, while in reality, it is given to us for our own protection, for in keeping its ways saves us from the chambers of death. We must slow down when necessary and drive with caution, especially behind enemy lines. Our experiences in life sometimes can be akin to spiritual speed bumps and the law, synonymous to the radar in operation, but what is most important, is that there is only one lane, a single lane by which we can access the throne of God and that is believing in Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)
16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
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