During our vacation at Mexico, we spent a majority of our time in the beautiful swimming pools of the Azul Sensatori Resort. With our three year old son, Reuben, I played several water games and one game in particular that he enjoyed was called the ‘Save’ game. In this game, I acted like I was drowning and he would jump into the pool and try to rescue me. When leaving the pool, I once mentioned to him, saying, ‘Reuben, thank you very much for saving dada, I would have drowned without you’, for which he responded, ‘No dada, you cannot drown, the height of the water in the pool was not high enough to drown you; you could stand in the pool!’. He is right. Even at the part of the pool where the water was the deepest, the waters did not come over my shoulders as the maximum depth was 4’2”. His response did make me think about how in essence God who is above all waters (troubles) is incapable of drowning. He in fact, holds the very oceans in the hollow of his hands! (Isaiah 40:12). But sadly, we belittle Him and think of our problems in life to surpass and drown God and His power.

Let us recognize the incapability of anyone or anything in this world or the one to come to drown God and may our response be as that of a child, ‘No God, you cannot drown, the height of my problem(s) in my life is not high enough to drown you, you can stand over my problem(s).’

Isaiah 40:10,12 (KJV)
Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, …
12 Who hath measured the waters (oceans) in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?