The book of Exodus gives us a glimpse of who Jesus is in the Old Testament (O.T).

The account that is recorded in Exodus 16 is of the Israelites who were wandering in the wilderness, grumbling and murmuring against God and his servant, Moses, saying that we were filled in Egypt but now they had been  brought to a wilderness wherein they will die for lack of food. God tells Moses, tomorrow you will eat meat and bread and in the morning and just as God had promised, there appeared on the ground something that was Small, Round and White and the Israelites called this “Manna”. Manna means ‘What is it?’ for they did not know what it was.

In John 6 – Jesus eluded to this manna. He made the proclamation – “I AM the bread of life”. However, many like the Israelites are still asking the question – Who is this Christ, Who is this Jesus?

The manna mystery is demystified in Jesus Christ.
The Manna was small – Jesus humbled himself to nothing (Philippians 2)
The Manna was round – Jesus has no beginning and no end, He is the alpha and omega, from everlasting to everlasting Jesus is God.
The Manna was white – Jesus is pure and divine, no spot, no blemish, no sin, no blame. 1 Peter 2:22 speaks of Jesus as one who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth.
The Manna appeared in the night when it was dark – Jesus came into this world and will comes into our lives that is in spiritual darkness.

In Exodus, Jesus Christ is the humble, everlasting, pure Manna, the bread of life!