The book of Numbers gives us a glimpse of who Jesus is in the Old Testament (O.T).

As the Israelites journey from Egypt to their promised land, they came to a place called Edom. God led them by providing them Manna from heaven, which sustained them through their journey. But much like many of us today, this ungrateful crowd, say of that which is a Holy provision, that their soul loathes (detests) this light bread. When they sinned in this manner, many many venomous snakes was sent to their midst, which bit them and many died. God tells Moses, to build a brass serpent and to lift it up and all who look at it, even though they are bitten, will live. This account is recorded in Numbers 21:6-9.

Most of us know John 3:16. But how many of us, know John 3:14-15? John 3:14-15 reads And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up (and He was on the Cross): That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Jesus also tells that He will be lifted up from the earth and will draw all men unto him (John 12:32) and all who look at Christ on the Cross, can be assured that the poison of sin will have no effect on them and when they see Him lifted up and believe in Him they shall live; live eternally!

In Numbers, Jesus is the lifted One of God, from whom comes Salvation.