The book of Joshua gives us a glimpse of who Jesus is in the Old Testament (O.T).

In this book, we see that the mantle of leadership passes from Moses to Joshua, a mighty warrior. The original name of Joshua was Hosea (Salvation) and Moses changed it to Yehoshua (Yahweh is Salvation). Joshua was a mighty warrior who led 3 military campaigns against 30 or so enemy armies. An interesting incident is recorded in Joshua 5:13-15. Joshua is near Jericho and Joshua looked up and saw a man opposite to him with his sword drawn in his hand and Joshua questions him – Are you for us or for our enemies and the response he receive was Nay, but as Captain of the host (army) of the LORD am I (reversal of I AM) come and Joshua falls down and worships Him.

The Captain of the host of the LORD would be akin to the Commander and Chief, the most powerful man in the world.  And no it is not Barack Obama, who is the most powerful man in the world. Mr. President, I’ve got news for you. YOU ARE NOT the most powerful man in the world – Jesus Christ is.

Jesus Christ is the Commander and Chief, captain of the host of the LORD.

Revelation 19:11 reads as “I saw heaven opened in the coming of the Lord, Jesus will come as a conquering King, riding on a white horse who in righteousness (being the King of righteousness – Hebrews 7:2) judged and made war.”  and Revelation 19:15 states “and out of his mouth, goes forth a sharp sword.”

In Joshua, Jesus is the mighty warrior who wins every battle he engages in and the man with his sword drawn.