The book of Ezra gives us a glimpse of who Jesus is in the Old Testament (O.T).

Ezra, the author of Chronicles continues his narrative with conscription and precision, this time with the second exodus motif from Babylonian captivity, working toward the cleansing of the land and the Temple of God.  Unlike the exodus from Egypt, there were only a select few who chose to leave Babylon and there was 2 exodus out of Babylon.

Ezra 1-6    : The 1st return under Zerubbabel; for physical restoration of the temple
Ezra 7-10   The 2nd return under Ezra; for spiritual restoration of the people, a.k.a. the temple of God.
Ezra in a manner of speaking, prefigured in shadowy form the One named Jesus who is to Come.

Ezra 7:6 – says Ezra was a skilled scribe – one who wrote down the Law of the Lord.

Remember the account in John 8:1-11. Where a woman caught in the act of adultery is brought before Jesus to be Judged by Him according to the law of Moses. What do you see Jesus doing, He stooped and he Scribed (scribbled on the ground), not ones but twice. We don’t know what he wrote and we can speculate. But really the main point is this. See if he had spoken, he would have spoken to try to write the law into the hearts of the accusers, who asked him “What Sayest Thou?”, but knowing their hearts were hearts of stone, he wrote (just as the finger of God wrote the 10 commandments on tablets of stone), Jesus THE SCRIBE stooped and started to scribe.

Jesus the Scribe wrote down, not necessarily the law, but grace and forgiveness.

Ezra 9:8 reads grace has been shown by giving us a nail in his holy place. Grace of God shown to us, by the nails that were pierced in the Holy One of God (Jesus Christ)

In Ezra, Jesus is the faithful Scribe, writing grace and forgiveness in our stony hearts.