The book of Jeremiah gives us a glimpse of who Jesus is in the Old Testament (O.T).

The book of Jeremiah is an Autobiography and as the heartbroken prophet writes his life story, a heartbreaking message of doom to its readers, he bathes it with tears of compassion, so much so that he comes to be known as the Weeping prophet.

And as Jeremiah laments and weeps over an unpenitent people, fast forward many years and you see Jesus entering into Jerusalem and he stops and looks at the City (Jerusalem) and weeps over it (Luke 19:41). Why? Because they did not know of the time of God’s visitation or they would not accept the one who came in the name of the Lord as their King (Luke 19:14)

Jesus looked at their past and saw that the city had not seen God visit them through the voice of His prophets.
Jesus looked at the present and saw how some in the city did not recognize God having visited them in the flesh, in His own person.
Jesus looked at the future and wept that the self-righteous impenitent had really only to hope for dread in the days to come, when all they trusted on will crumble as did the city and that they would not possibly still recognize His upcoming visitation when He returns the second time as King of Kings.

In Jeremiah, Jesus is a Weeping GOD hoping that all who hear His voice, will see Him and How God visits man through Him.