A friend of mine was sharing with me as to how he responded when some of his peers asked him about Christmas. He said, On Christmas, Christ-mas be told.
It’s Christmas day in the year of the Lord 2009 AD and as I ponder over what Christmas means and if one was given just 30 seconds to share to someone about Christmas, what would that be?

Christmas is God with us a.k.a. Emmanuel (Matthew 1:23);

Christmas is the fulfillment of a Prophecy (Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 9:6-7)
in the Persona of Jesus Christ  (Matthew 1:21, Philippians 2:6-7)
who joyfully endured the Cross in His Passion (Hebrews 12:2)
subduing all including death and the grave through His resurrection Power (John 11:25; Philippians 3:21)
becoming THE Provision of a Savior (John 19:20)
for the Problem of sin (Romans 6:23).

What other one-liners can be used to describe Christmas? Think about it. Time is short, opportunities are little and we must be prepared to share about Jesus, especially on Christmas where Christ must (mas) be told.