To get pearls, one must dive deep!

Month: December 2009

Jesus in the OT :: 2nd Chronicles

The book of 2nd Chronicles gives us a glimpse of who Jesus is in the Old Testament (O.T).

2nd Chronicles 7:14 is a beautiful and well known verse which reads – “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, the will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

2nd Chronicles can also be said to be the Book of Decline and Revival. There were 3 revivals that happened under the tutelage of 3 kings.
Jehoshaphat – get serious with God (2 Chronicles 20:1-30)
Hezekiah – purified the temple, destroyed idols and brought tithes (2 Chr 29-21)
Josiah – commitment to obey God’s Word (2 Chronicles 34-35)

But let us focus on the last King.  Josiah was made King when he was 8 years old. In his 18th year, meaning when he was 26 years old, there is a fascinating account, of the discovery of the law of the Lord in the House of the Lord. (2 Chronicles 34:15) that led to the REVIVAL IN THE LAND (2nd Chronicles 34:31-33). Hilkiah the priest discovers it, gives it to Shaphan the Scribe to take to the King, the King hears of the words of the Lord and rents his clothes, proclaiming that we have not be faithful to God and his Word, and he made a covenant to walk after the Lord, keep his commandments and testimonies and statutes, with all his HEART and all his SOUL and to perform the words of the covenant written in the book.

NOTE, it did not say with all his MIND? Spiritual revival meeting is often just about the mind and not of the heart and soul. We hear of the speaker and go to that meeting. Diligent no doubt, but we must be cautious as well as we may miss out of God’s word brought to us from someone that we may deem very insignificant (example the unnamed maid in Naaman’s household).

We feel refreshed, full of fervor and zeal and a couple of days go by and what happens — back to square 1. Why, because our minds have been intellectually stimulated and emotionally we make decisions, that are hard to abide by once we leave the mountain top and get down to the valley. Spiritual revival should not be about the refreshment of our minds, but infact the renewal of our minds (Romans 12:2) which is demonstrated by the relationship of our heart and soul into a covenant with God.

In 2nd Chronicles, Jesus is the Word of God found in the House of God, bringing about a spiritual revival in our hearts.

Jesus in the OT :: 1st Chronicles

The book of 1st Chronicles gives us a glimpse of who Jesus is in the Old Testament (O.T).

The book of 1st Chronicles can be broken down into

  1. Royal Line of David or genealogical account (Chapters 1-9).
  2. Reign of David (Chapter 10-29)

Starting with the death and removal of David’s main opponent, Saul, God establishes his elect. Saul was appointed by man, David was elected by God.
So for those in leadership position, a note to consider, have you been appointed by man or have you been chosen by God. This determines the longetivity and impact of of your reign.

But we are talking about Christ in the Chronicles, what does 1st Chronicles have to say about Christ. To understand this, we need to go to the very last chapter, Chapter 29:11 Where David makes this promulgation about the OMNIPOTENCY of God. Thine O LORD, is the greatness, and the power and the glory, and the victory and the majesty: for ALL that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom O LORD, and though are exalted as HEAD ABOVE ALL. (1 Chronicles 29:11). In other words, David was proclaiming, O LORD thou art an An Omnipotent God. How does this tie into Jesus? We need to go to Philippians 3:20-21 which records Saviour Jesus Christ, from Heaven subdues ALL things unto Himself.

In 1st Chronicles, Jesus The One and Only Omnipotent God.

Chapters 1- 9 : Royal Line of David (genealogical account)

In these times of economical downturns, one way to save money, especially for expectant parents is to read the book of Chronicles. You don’t need to invest in buying a book like “The 100 best Baby Names” or something of that sort. Read 1st Chronicles.

For those who are from the North, you have Azubah (2:18) – Amitabh’s movie

For those who are from the South, you have Zimran (1:32) – S. Indian actress
For those with Spanish heritage, you have Salma (2:51) – Salma Hayek

For Beatles fans, You have Ono (8:12) – John Lennon’s wife, Yoko Ono

For TV addicts and soap opera watchers, you have Ophrah (4:14) – Oprah show

For Body Builders, you have Heman (6:33) and

Even For Hindus, you have Ram (2:9)

But one word of caution, be careful what you choose, because your children are stuck with it, so avoid names that today contextually would mean something else, like

Ashur (1:17) – monster

Bakbakkar (9:15) – chatterbox

Chapters 1- 9 gives the genealogical account of the royal line of David

Chapters 10-29the Reign of David.

Starting with the death and removal of David’s main opponent, Saul, God establishes his elect.

Saul was appointed by man, David was elected by God.

So for those in leadership position, a note to consider, have you been appointed by man or have you been chosen by God. This determines the longetivity and impact of of your reign.

But we are talking about Christ in the Chronicles, what does 1st Chronicles have to say about Christ.

We need to go to the very last chapter,

Chapter 29:11

Where David makes this promulgation about the OMNIPOTENCY of God.

1 Chronicles 29:11

11. Thine O LORD, is the greatness, and the power and the glory, and the victory and the majesty (GPG-VM): for ALL that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom O LORD, and though are exalted as HEAD ABOVE ALL.

In other words, David was proclaiming, O LORD thou art an An Omnipotent God.

How does this tie into Jesus?

We need to go to Philippians 3:20-21 – Saviour Jesus Christ, from Heaven who subdues ALL things unto Himself.

Philippians 3:20-21

20. For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

21. Who shall change our vile bodies, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to SUBDUE ALL THINGS unto HIMSELF (note not under Himself, but unto Himself).

Behold, Jesus The One and Only Omnipotent God.

Jesus in the OT :: 2nd Kings

The book of 2nd Kings gives us a glimpse of who Jesus is in the Old Testament (O.T).

2nd Kings 5 records a fascinating story about a mighty man named Naaman, who despite his mightiness was a leper in his skin and an unnamed little maid from Israel brings about salvation to his household, by pointing Naaman to the prophet of God, Elisha.  Now we must be careful to note that it was not the prophet that healed Naaman, but it was God who was with the prophet as expressed by the little maid’s words (2 Kings 5:3). The prophet said, Wash and be clean. (2 Kings 5:13). Naaman skin was restored like a child (a new born child – a new creation) , and Naaman’s proclamation was not about the prophet, but about the God of the prophet when he says. Now I know that there is no God in ALL the earth, but in Israel (2 Kings 5:15)

Move forward a few centuries –

You see a leper coming to Jesus, beseeching Him and kneeling down to him and saying if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean (Mark 1:40) . Jesus moved with compassion, put forth his hand and touched him and said, I will be thou clean. On the cross, Jesus moved with compassion, stretched out his hand and touched the hearts of all who heard Him then and hear Him now, (not I will but) I have borne your leprosy (sin), be thou clean (Holy). The blood of Jesus washes us of all unrighteousness and makes us clean. (1 John 1:7).

In 2nd Kings, Behold, Jesus the healer of our leprous state.

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