The book of Obadiah gives us a glimpse of who Jesus is in the Old Testament (O.T).

This book has only one chapter and is the only book in the Old Testament which is composed of a single chapter. But this one chapter is packed with facts that prefigures the Salvation and deliverance that is to come (Obadiah 1:17; Romans 10:13), the presence of Holiness (Obadiah 1:22; Mark 1:23-25) and the Kingdom of the Lord (Obadiah 1:21; Luke 23:46)

Obadiah means Worshiper of Yahweh.

In the temptation of Christ, Jesus responded by saying that “You shall worship the Lord your God only and only Him shall thou serve”. Note how worship and service go hand in hand. Satan had asked Jesus only to worship him (not serve him – Matthew 4:10), but Jesus responded by including serving with worshiping God. Today, there are many Christians worshiping God, but not serving him. Are you/Am I one of them?

Interesting, Obadiah not only means Worshiper of Yahweh but ALSO Servant of Yahweh.

Jesus Himself said, I have come to serve and not to be served (Matthew 20:28)

In Obadiah, Jesus is the deliverance from Zion, the Holiness of God, who is to be worshiped and served.