To get pearls, one must dive deep!

The gift of our Son

It is Reuben’s fourth birthday and as we celebrate this day of the Lord, the day in which He has made us (Sangeetha and I) glad, we reminisced on the wonderful past four years that the Lord has graciously merited unto both of us and thank Him for His gift of our Son, Reuben Abishai Paul (RAP). Our prayer today is that Reuben grows up as Jesus did (Luke 2:52), in Wisdom (mentally), in stature  (physically), in favor of God (Spiritually) and in favor of man (socially).

Specifically, we pray that Reuben has

  • the Spirit (soul) of Joseph to run from evil and seek hidden treasures from God’s revelations;
  • the zeal and heart of David that always sought after God;
  • the resolve of Daniel to not defile himself;
  • the strength of Samson;
  • the wisdom of Solomon;
  • the beauty of Esther;
  • the faith of the Centurion;
  • the boldness of Peter and Paul; and
  • the mind of Jesus Christ, meek and submissive to the will of God.

Psalm 127:3 informs us that children are a HERITAGE OF the LORD. The Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines heritage as something possessed as a result of one’s natural situation or birth. Note the verse does not read ‘from the LORD’, but ‘of the LORD’. In other word’s, children are God’s own possession naturally, and the fruit of the womb is a reward (Psalm 127:3) granted to earthly parents.

On one’s birthday we give the one to whom the day belongs (the birthday child) many gifts. With this day truly belonging to God, what is the gift that we can give Him?
The best gift that Sangeetha and I can give to our God is the gift that He has so bountifully given to us – our Son. This would be the true expression of our Love for him. It is His model that we must emulate. He loved us so greatly, that He gave us His Only begotten Son (Jesus Christ; John 3:16). Hannah’s dedication of her son that she was merited yielded in one of the greatest prophets that Israel (or for that fact, the world) saw. Likewise, we dedicate Reuben to be the servant of our loving Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Reuben is a possession of the LORD, rewarded unto us and we pray that He will be a cherished possession of God, beloved and instrumental in fulfilling God’s will in his life and in the lives of everyone’s he encounters.

Happy Birthday, Reuben, our beloved beloved beloved Son. Thank you Jesus for the gift of our Son.


Jesus in the OT :: Habakkuk


The gift of my mother


  1. Suresh Chandra Bose

    Our wishes to RAP that he be richly blessed with a double portion of HIS anointing!!!

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