With all of the denominations and doctrines that are prevalent and with false prophets (ravenous wolves) who distort the glorious truth of a God who is indescribable, yet so personal to each one of us, I sometimes wish that the Bible was merely three verses.

First verse – Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning, GOD (reflecting his Sovereignty, eternal existence, priority and preeminence)
Second verse –  John 19:30 – It is finished (reflecting the Salvation of God; no other work is necessary as Jesus is the perfect and pleasing offering, in our stead, accepted by God)
Third verse – Revelation 22:21 – Come Lord Jesus, Amen (reflecting his imminent Showing up to rule as King (Sovereign) with all those who have believed that it is truly finished (accepting his Salvation) and over those who haven’t)

Enough said !