Visiting Pastor Samuel Chacko from North India challenged the members attending the Austin Christian Fellowship of India Church to fix their eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). One particular statement that germinated a thought in me was , “IF YOU LOVE PEOPLE, IF YOU REALLY LOVE PEOPLE, THEN YOU WILL NOT ALLOW SATAN TO TAKE THEM TO HELL”. What a statement  – “love people”, “really love people”, “not allow satan”. I must admit that this triggered a response in me to want to be a witness for Jesus, to love people and not let satan have anyone, no not one. But for this to happen, I realized that I must first look unto Jesus and second be obedient to His commission, which is to be His witness (Acts 1:8, Matthew 28).

To fix my eyes on Jesus is to learn of Him for His word (The Bible) and have a renewal of my mind to conform to His image (Philippians 2) and to be obedient to His commission is to have an EGO mission. Now is the time to have an EGO, i.e., a mission in which EACH GETS ONE. Acts 6:7 states that the number of disciples multiplied. To multiple means that 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8 and so on… With Each Getting One (EGO), the 12 disciples multiplied to 24 disciples, who in turn got 24 more and the word of God increases, snatching people from under the bondages and clutches of satan so they can be free.

Jesus said, you will be my witnesses (Acts 1:8). The word used for witness in Greek is interestingly ‘Martyr’; we must be martyred to self, and to sin and be willing to be martyred for Jesus Christ. Our mission should be EGO, reflecting obedience to the faith and a means by which we can say that we love people, we really love people.

Acts 6:7 (KJV)
And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.