In the movie, Enemy of the State, a lawyer, Robert Clayton Dean (Will Smith) becomes the target of Reynolds, a corrupt politician (Jon Voight) and his National Security Agency goons, when he accidentally receives key evidence to a serious politically motivated crime.  In one scene, Reynolds tells Robert whose credibility he has smudged by infiltrating every facet of Dean’s existence using surveillance, bugs and other sophisticated snooping devices, that “Credibility is the only currency that works in this playing field.”

In a world where every one wants to get to the top of their career (or corporate) ladder, sometimes at the cost of their peers and at other times, even worse, at the cost of their integrity, the Bible counsels us an anti-thesis to the hook or by crook attitude to life. It affirms that “A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches” (Proverbs 22:1). This is not only applicable to secular life but to the Spiritual (Christian) as well.  Many Christians who loved the Lord dearly have been known to replace their first love (Jesus) with sex (lust of the flesh) or silver (lust for money). And when their lives are brought out of the closet, the witness they had for Christ becomes a mockery used by those who do not believe in Christ.

The Enemy (adversary) of our Faith (Ha Shaitan a.k.a. the Devil) works tirelessly to tarnish the credibility of those who are faithful servants of God. Let us not give the devil  any place (Ephesians 4:26). Overcoming the temptations of sex and silver, let us repent and return to our first love because a GOOD name is the only currency that works in our race. Let us run in such a manner that we win the price and the accolade from God “Well done, my GOOD and faithful servant”.

Proverbs 22:1 (KJV)
1 A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.