It was March 07, 2010 and I was having lunch with my four year old beloved son, Reuben, and loved wife, Sangeetha,  in one of the restaurants at the Magic Kingdom in Disney World, Orlando. A man guided a lady who was blind with her guide dog, to the table next to ours where he seated her. Reuben was intently looking at this lady and as I was on the verge of telling him not to stare, he suddenly mumbled something.  Since I did not hear what he said, I asked my wife as to what Reuben had just expressed. He said, “I said, Jesus can make her see“. It caught me by pleasant surprise and I soon realized that this was a expression of faith; simple faith. Many times, instead of expressing faith, we question God’s faithfulness. Rather than stating confidently, that ‘Jesus can make her see’, we tend to ask, ‘Can Jesus make her see?’ But my son reminded me that day as to how we ought to express our faith in Jesus. I learned a valuable lesson on faith that day from my four year old son. It is important how we express our belief (faith) in Jesus and our prayer is that Reuben never loses that sense of faith, one that he imparts to all, including his parents.

Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)
1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.