Mark 1:29-31 in the Bible records the event of Jesus, healing Simon Peter’s mother in law, from the fever that she was suffering with. What is interesting is that the Holy Scripture records that Jesus took her by her hand and then lifted her up, following which the fever left her immediately and she ministered (served) unto Jesus.

We may miss out on some crucial truths from this passage if we evaluate it merely in a cursorial basis. These include:

  1. Jesus takes those who are sick (in sin) by their hands in His hands.
  2. Jesus lifts those whose hands are in His
  3. We ought to be like the mother in law of Simon, who ministered unto Jesus when Jesus had finished Ministering as to her.

We have been Ministered by Jesus so that we can be ministers for and unto Him.

Mark 1:29-31 (KJV)
And forthwith, when they were come out of the synagogue, they entered into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John.
But Simon’s wife’s mother lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her.
And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them.