To get pearls, one must dive deep!

God and Tattoos

Tattoo - Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God in GreekWhen growing up, I remember being told that tattoos were not for Christians and when the basis of such a prohibition was questioned, it was often Leviticus 19:28 that was quoted to substantiate one’s position. Leviticus 19:28 reads “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, not print any marks upon you: I am the Lord“. Such upbringing without the entire context of why such a prohibition exists, made me grow up with a mindset that those with tattoos were not in right standing with the God of the Bible. Now that I recall, I must admit that I viewed those with tattoos judgmentally often with a self-righteous perspective. This verse indicates that the children of God were not to follow the practices (cutting of flesh, printing marks aka tattooing) of those who were not sanctified for the Lord. Another verse that was often quoted to establish that Christians should not have tattoos was from 1 Corinthians 3:16 which states that the body is the temple of the Holy God and it must not be defiled; again the body is to be set apart (sanctified) and Holy. I wholeheartedly concur with the spirit in which both these verses are recorded for us, that we are to be set apart, and through our bodies, bring glory to God, by presenting them as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:2).

However, I learned a lesson yesterday that we are not to be judgmental of those who have tattoos or be forbidden from getting one if one desires to glorify God through it. I was at the Salvation Army donation center and an individual named Travis Black (a donor) asked Zane Werner (an employee at Salvation Army) as to what the tattoo in his hand meant. Zane immediately quoted the verse from Matthew 6:33 which says Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. I then asked Zane as to what the language was, in which the tattoo was engraved in his right forearm and he replied ‘Greek’ (click on picture to see a larger image). I then shared about the ministry of Hidden Treasures and asked Zane for his permission to take a picture of his tattoo and to use this encounter to share from the scripture. Zane’s tattoo gave him the opportunity to share about what our priorities must be. He (and his tattoo) reaffirmed that we are to seek God’s kingdom first. The tattoo in his forearm was the one that led to the sharing of his faith. In other words, he used his tattoo to glorify God. Zane’s arm may be tattooed that may make many Christians judge his lifestyle unfortunately, but his heart and words reflected that the style (tattoo) of his life indeed brought honor to God and united three believers (Zane, Travis and I). Our inward lifestyle (controlled by the Holy Spirit that dwells in us) is what matters and not the outward style of our lives.

Now I am not prescribing that we must all go and get ourselves tattooed to use that as launchpads to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because it could be considered a stumbling block to some. Whatever your conviction is on this topic, it is between you and God and I am no one to judge. As for me, will I get myself a tattoo? I don’t know, if I am led by the Holy Spirit, then I would. As long as what I do does not dishonor God, defiling His temple, my body, I see no reason for any prohibition. As I pondered on this realization, I was reminded from the scripture of another engraving. Isaiah 49:16 states that the Lord says that He has graven us upon the palm of His hands.

Jimmy Buffet in the album Blue House On The Moon, in his song about tattoos sings that they are permanent reminders of a temporary feeling. In the scriptures, we in fact see that there is a permanent reminder of a permanent feeling and that is the feeling of God toward man, which is one of great Love, a Love so great that He sent His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), in whose palm, those who believe in His Name are engraved a.k.a. marked for life. What a wonderful realization it is to know that believers (you and I), will never be forgotten for we are engraved (some translations say marked which in a sense is tattooed) upon the palm of God hands.

Isaiah 49:16a (KJV)
16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands;


Transitive Relationship


One thing is needful


  1. Lorraine Howe

    Just because u have tattoos doesn’t mean u love God less.

  2. Suresh Chandra Bose

    Thanks for sharing this…Never looked at tattoos from this point of view…We are tattooed in HIS hand as Iris aunty also mentioned….

  3. Preston Winfrey

    Let’s say someone engraves something on the walls of your home without permission. This would be labeled as vandalism, correct?. They would simply be destroying what is not theirs. Doesn’t nature itself teach you that this is wrong? Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.) that we don’t have ownership of our bodies. The body isn’t to be destroyed or defiled. When I see someone with tattoos, holiness is the last thing that comes to mind. Mind you, I do have a tattoo and honestly believe I have defiled God’s holy temple.

  4. Amma

    I share with you in your thought — inward is what God sees not the outward style — more over I never thought of being graven in the palm of His hand as tattooing — This is great — Tatooing cannot be removed so my name in His Plam cannot be ever errased. PTL Amma.

  5. Remo

    Pretty Intresting…. Like this POV

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