Celso, a Colombian evangelist with the Voice of the Martyrs eloquently stated his purpose in life and posed a thought provoking question when he said “Jesus told me to go. He never said I would come back. Isn’t this the life of a Christian?” The life of a Christian can be essentially summed up in two words, ‘come’ and ‘go’.

Jesus Christ said, “COME unto me, and I will give you rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29). This means that when we COME into CHRIST, we COME out of the world. Only in the “coming” to Jesus Christ is Salvation, there is no other way.
Jesus Christ also said, “GO for me and teach and baptize” (Matthew 28:19-20). This means that when we GO for CHRIST, we GO into the world. In the “going” for Jesus Christ is Sanctification, being set apart for his cause, always ready to give an answer to every man that asks us for a reason of THE HOPE that is in us. (1 Peter 3:15; Colossians 1:27)

Point(s) to ponder:

  1. The model is Come into Christ, Go for Christ. The problem starts when people attempt to Go for Christ, without first coming to Him. Without the coming (into Christ) there is no going (out for Christ). One ought to first be Saved themselves, and then serve God to save others.
  2. The model is Come out of the world, Go into the world. This means that we need to go into the world but not be part of it. In other words, we are to be set apart (sanctified) for Christ.