To get pearls, one must dive deep!

To be still or not to be

In the movie, The Karate kid, Jackie Chan expresses that to be still does not mean you are doing nothing. When training his student, he asks the boy to look into the water and asks him as to what he sees. The boy replies that it is his reflection that he sees. Now the master stirs the water and asks the same question, to which the boy responds that the image is blurry. It is only when the water is still and clear, can the reflection be seen. Unfortunately, from the time of Adam in the garden, man’s selfish pursuits have often put him in a grind for things that don’t matter. We are constantly seeking answers to all unanswered questions and a solution to every problem we encounter. Sadly, to be still is often misunderstood to be “useless”, “non-engaging”, or even worse “doing nothing”. So what does it mean to be still?

When Jesus rebuked the raging storm of wind and waves that threatened His disciples in the boat, He said, “Peace, be still” and the wind ceased and there was great calm (Mark 4:38-41). When the winds and the waves obeyed Him and became still, the disciple questioned “What manner of man is this?” In the stillness and the calmness of the elements was a question that surfaced which sought to answer and exposit “What manner of man Jesus is?” a.k.a. “Who Jesus is?” God’s image was reflected in Jesus, in the calmness of the sea and they questioned as to who He is. Likewise when we are still, our calmness needs to reflect who Jesus is and have those around us, ask “What manner of man/God Jesus is?”

In a world that is constantly on the rush with its ephemeral pursuits,  we often blurry the image of life that God has ordained us for. To be still does not mean we are doing nothing. When we are still, God’s image can be clearly (not a blurry image) seen and this should lead those around us to recognize who Jesus is, the (manner of) man in whom the fullness of the Godhead dwelleth bodily (Colossians 2:9).

Point(s) to ponder: Is your/my life calm that we are reflecting Jesus Christ and making those around us ask as to who Jesus Christ is.

Psalm 46:10 (KJV)
10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

In a world that is constantly on the rush with its ephemeral pursuits,  we often blurry the image of life that God has ordained us for.


Mind over body – The need for Placebo Christians


Through The Bible

1 Comment

  1. Amma

    My Dear Dear Mano, Ps 46 : 10 is what God has constantly told me again and again and again these past 39 years here at Malkangiri. It is good to note the way you quoted from every day life.PTL. LPK Amma.

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