The Bible counsels us to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). The operative word in this edict, is “filled”. What does it mean to be filled?

Take an empty glass and turn the water on, and let the water flow into the glass. Once the glass is filled, if you continue to let the water run, the water overflows. Also, if we are to put some other object into the glass, the water from within the glass spills outside.  Now try shaking the glass filled with water. Very soon you will realize that the water from within the glass is spilled outside.

To be filled by the Holy Spirit, means

  1. We must first empty ourselves (total surrendered) so that the Holy Spirit can be poured into us, when we believe in Jesus.
  2. Once we are filled, there should be no room left within our lives for any other object (anyone or anything else.)
  3. When the situations of life attempt to shake us, if we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the obvious outcome would be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God.

Point(s) to ponder:
Are/Am you/I “filled” by the Holy Spirit?

Acts 13:52 (KJV)
52 And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost.