Often we talk about Jesus as the gift of God to mankind on Christmas, but seldom do we recognize Christmas as an exchange. On the first Christmas night, an exchange took place. It was the exchange, that Danny Box, the lead pastor of Hill Country Bible Church in Pflugerville, called outrageous implying that “it is not right” for God to exchange

  1. His rights of deity for restraints of humanity
  2. His majestic splendor for horrific shame and
  3. His eternal relation for an experience of rejection

This exchange was not only outrageous but outlandish implying “how can this be”, because His exchange leads to a transformation from

  1. A sinner to a saint
  2. An adversary to being adopted and
  3. Death to Life (abundantly)

Now the questions that remains are, upon hearing this Gospel truth of this outrageous and outlandish exchange, are we willing to

  1. exchange our rights of humanity for the restraints of deity? i.e., total surrender so that the Holy Spirit God is in control of our lives
  2. being shamed for His name now to share in His splendor and glory when He returns? and
  3. experience ephemeral separation with the ways of the world for an eternal relation with Jesus Christ; God the father?

Merry Christmas or should I say, “Merry Exchange!”